Pre Match | Liverpool vs Chelsea | Wednesday January 31st 20:15

easier said than done

Harvey’s gonna be proper pissed off when he gets the YPOTY award.

And corners also. We really need Trent for set pieces. So do we put him in midfield? But Macca’s been brilliant at 6 recently :man_shrugging:t2:

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Brilliant from szob

I’d play him as the CM in Szob’s position and let Szob understudy Salah at RW

This is the best football we’ve played since Barca 4-0.

It’s wave after wave of glorious football.

Another dive

time for some subs Jurgen. Bradley is knackered you can see twice know that’s not a slip. that’s running through a brick wall tired.


Is his name really Malo Gusto?

Doesn’t that mean ‘bad taste’ in Spanish?

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Chelsea doesn’t stand a chance. This is like a Manowar lyric from the 80s and we are the butchering/pillaging/******/slaughtering character in the story and they are the unfortunate victims.

Probably not heard this song for 20 years tbh.

Mudryk… Meet Bradley. Aka your daddy.

roll for good effect

we are playing some lovely football today

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Fuck me Sterling in one pocket and now Mudryk in the other no wonder he looks tired

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this fucking kid…WOW


No wonder, he played three full matches last week (except for 10 minutes against Bournemouth).

He’s been official MOTM every game hasn’t he?

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Another assist for Bradley!!!

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