Pre Match | Liverpool vs Chelsea | Wednesday January 31st 20:15

Anna Kendrick Movie GIF by Pitch Perfect

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Amazon Drinking GIF by Saltburn

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dare i say it,

there is a touch of the Gareth Bale about this lad Bradley

in the way that he attacks the space with pace and purpose from deep positions





ridley scott gladiator GIF

Loved that goal.

Switch of play, old school cross from Bradley, and a 1990’s striker’s header.

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Orgasm Nut GIF by Giffffr

Has anyone seen the best English player since Bobby Charlton, Cole Palmer today? Missing persons report needs filing!!

No one tell him what golf is.

We are playing so good tonight, it’s just beautiful. This could become a high scoring game. 5-0, 5-1, 6-0,. 6-1; seems realistic! :love_you_gesture:

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And nothing he does looks particularly complicated or clever. He just decides what he wants to do, puts his head down and does it.

Another in form team getting murdered by us

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Where did you get the 1 from?

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Pochettino is probably getting ready for his nice firing bonus.

this is fucking weird

You think of the traditional positions you find Trent in, and this is NOT it.

Whole new system on the right with Bradley in it? Looks more like a 343.

Ibou Virg Joe
Bradley Macca Dom Jones
Jota Nunez Diaz

Almost wonder if Herr Klopp is showing this off to Alonso, tempting him to come play in the sandbox

Trent’s got that worried look on his face…“FML how am I gonna get my place back in this team, Szobo you’re gonna have to start playing like shit mate”

We’re not half bad are we?


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Connor Bradley. Gaddem!!!

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We’ve been almost perfect tonight but how fucking shit are Chelswall? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: