Pre Match | Southampton vs. Liverpool | PL Matchday 17 | Monday January 4th 20:00h | St. Mary’s Stadium

Trying to get the captain used to CB position before the utd game.


Is Hendo quick or are we going to write off his central defending abilities as well? Along with his social media.

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So what do we prefer? Win tonight and say goodbye to the new CB in January or a catastrophic result and performance :zipper_mouth_face:

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We will win this.
We perform better against the better teams than against bottom half teams


I don’t think the two are connected to be honest. Klopp has clearly recognised the issue in central defence and this is an obvious temporary bandage.

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Asked Bubbles what she thinks about the upcoming match. Like a typical 5 months old baby, she puked once and then farted twice. It was extremely difficult to decipher first until I figured out what she meant. She is giving Lawro a run for his money with her prediction. 2-1 to the Reds it is then :grinning:

Good job you never asked Bubbles to predict the score before the Palace game. The house would have hummed.



I don’t really like the feeling I have now before a game. This is the first game in quite a few where I actually have the feeling that “tonight we really need the 3 points”. I enjoy more the relaxed atmosphere of games where it isn’t critical. It isn’t critical now either of course, too early for such talk, but it would be much easier for us to win the title if others are chasing us and not the other way around for sure…

So 3 points please. I know it’s a some what tough ask, we have not showed very good form and Southampton has a lot of quality and a good team. But we do need all the points at St.Mary’s tonight. Would do our title run a hell of a lot of good !


That’s what football is about


I am not confident seeing that BLUE! :cry:


Yeah, it is. The roller coaster of the ups and downs, the passion of grief and joy, I know :slight_smile:
I still don’t mind watching from a position of great comfort though, but really, I was spoiled rotten last season, I know ! :+1:


Henderson played CB vs Fulham so you’d imagine it’d be him.

Fulham was also the first game in a while that I thought we looked better without Henderson in midfield. His standards have dropped a lot lately, particularly with the ball, so he might not be as big as miss in there as he usually would.

This switch makes sense to me given the fact all of Southampton’s forwards are mobile rather than physical, as well as the performances of Williams and Phillips in their last couple of games.

More confident tonight than I was for the last two. 3-1 liverpool


According to some genius on DAZN, we need help in the transfer window for goal scoring. So it’s apparently more important to score more than the most goals in the pl, that’s why we need to sign someone.


Get used to it, Hendo Lad.


Is that Milner saying that or @Mascot?


Isnt this a great feeling though, just before kick off?!?!


It’s a Moonage Daydream


I still think if Gerrard had transitioned to Central Defence around 2014, we might have got a few more years out of him.

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Massive night for Ox. Massive afternoon for @Alright_Now. We live for this.


Pretty sure Henderson will not be in the back 4 by the end of the game but hope I am wrong.

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So do I. That gives the team a more solid look. Fingers crossed.

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