Just head the ball to Ali Trent
What the fuck Trent😅
More stupidity from Trent
Oh, Trent.
TAA wtf
His head’s down the local tapas.
Get rid!!!
This should work just by clicking it, although I do use an Adblocker
Trent has been awful. Hopefully not one of those games
Trents been shocking so far
its like he gets these brain freeze moments indefence
Efen the wife has said trents all over the place
Maybe if you;re being kind you’d say that with him facing his goal you’d expect him to get a shout that he didnt need to clear it. Maybe
He needs to put down the Cornetto, in that case!
Did you tell her to shut up and get back in the kitchen?
Chill out everyone, its literally 15mins in.
Bournemouth won’t keep this up for more than 25mins, then we will just second gear them to a 3-0 win
Great ball from Grav
game settling down now
Gakkers moment
Efen is an interesting name. I think it’s Arabic
Depends on consent surely?