PreMatch | Bournemouth vs Liverpool | Sunday January 21st 16:30h |

We already have a built in excuse if we don’t win this, lads:

Ibou and Mac been very good, rest of them could be better to put it politely.

windy boomerang ball GIF

nunez hahahahah

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We’re playing better now. Mac is starting to look boss in midfield


Flight back home will be interesting in these conditions !

They’ll take a bus

Lose this and they can all share a single cab back home.

This is football in Wales 9 months of the year. There was one pitch we used to play on where giving away a corner from a goal kick was a common

Why am I hearing Gini Wijnaldjum de de de …

Wasteful from Diaz, what’s with all these potshots from range? Create something meaningful.


Lucho hurt

We’re back to hopeful punts from outside the box I see

Wind assisted?

thats a red

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That’s a red card

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Checked and cleared. Good process my ass

Where’s VAR?

Its LFC…its not…

If Jones was sent off against Spurs than tKluivert should have to walk