PreMatch | Liverpool vs Wolves | PL Matchday 7 | TBC | Anfield

Surely we can all agree, cancelling the PL is appropriate, cancelling kids games not.
I bet she wouldn’t have wanted that.

I think he’s right though.

On the Venn Diagram of people who think we should be cancelling stuff out of respect for the queen and people we moan about stuff being cancelled because of racism, or homophobia or sexism, I reckon there’s a fairly health crossover.


Fucking cancel culture. :rage:


Lads, this is a pre-match footy thread.

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Without a match

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I don’t think any of it is appropriate. However the shit form we’re in, I’ll take it.

However, there is something deeply ironic about cancelling stuff to respect a monarch who above all stood for unflinching stoicism.


Which is now not happening because the queen died.

Then it seems like there’s nothing to talk about in this thread. :slight_smile:

The less there is to talk about, the more chat there is on here.

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I find it odd, not even training seems allowed. I sort of understand the top 4 leagues but it would have been good to run it from Conference below simply for those clubs.

More rumours that it’s going be on Sunday, about right for Truss not to give us a bank holiday. If that’s the case unless it’s moved to Saturday it won’t happen. Would be good to know this by at least Tuesday and so the club can plan.

I think given that there is an acknowledged period of mourning, and we all seem to all accept this, football matches have been known to bring front page news crowd trouble etc. Maybe cancelling stuff from across the board is to reflect a period of quiet calm rather than being over fussy in how it is being handled.
Days move on quickly, so before we know it the PL will be back up and running…


Pity the country doesn’t.

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Lock the thread FFS


That’s a good thing, isn’t it? It seems, that’s when we pick up most of our injuries.

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Nothing on the website where did you pick that up?

Will our game next weekend be cancelled also?

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Hang on, just about to get on the phone to Richard Masters and ask.

Edit: Just got confirmation he plans to cancel them 2 hours before the Friday night kick offs just to piss more people off.

Given the embarrassing shit of people crying singing God Save The King at the cricket, I’m increasingly relieved that we don’t have to play today and have Anfield feign interest. You also just know that certain types in the media would have been going frame by frame through images of Liverpool fans to find someone not singing (probably wouldn’t be hard to find, tbh).

Shove your Royal family up your arse.


I mean kids, not our club.

I noticed they are trying to put it on us again.

I would have expected the vast majority of our fans to have remained silent during the minutes silence if you don’t understand context you are foolish.

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