Premier League 2020/21 (Part 2)

Yeah that was a really pretty goal. Heads up play.

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Didnā€™t watch the first half, hate watching them mancs. Come on Newcastle.

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You mention one time that Goldbridgeā€™s rants give you a boner and they ban you from the YouTube live chatā€¦

WTF is all that about?



Iā€™m not sure that its a good idea to admit to that either on Youtube or here for that matter.


Time to switch over 3-1 another pen.


One of the things that keeps me going in recent weeks is the fact that United arenā€™t going to win the league this season. And if they canā€™t even win it this season, they wont win it next season either.

Kinda sad really. I used to donā€™t care about other 19 teams.


The Arse fans used to be mocking us about not winning the PL , itā€™s a long time since they won it and them 30 years donā€™t be long going. :joy:


Just seen the United penalty. What a joke. No contact at all.


For the nth time this seasonā€¦


Mo was held just about going into the area and of course was accused of going down too easily by the cunt Beglin.


Donā€™t torment yourself. Just let it slide; itā€™s hard, but you gotta try.


I came across this on the TiA site and thought it was better posted here than in the matchday thread. I wonder if anyone could confirm the validity of the stats. The numbers are brutal


Just seen this fixture has been re-arranged and I can only assume itā€™s because Chelsea have an FA Cup tie on the weekend it was due to be played.
Now Iā€™m not one for thinking weā€™re being systematically fucked over this season but a number of things strike me as odd about this.
It has been arranged for Thursday 4th March. At 8.15. Our next game, against Fulham, is at 2 oā€™clock on the Sunday. We then have to play Leipzig on the Wednesday, and may have to travel to somewhere in Europe to do so, meaning weā€™ll have to play 3 games in 6 days.
Conversely, Chelsea, who were the club with the problem in the first place, will play us on the Thursday, then a home game on the following Monday night and then wont play again until Saturday.
So basically weā€™ll have 3 season defining games in 6 days and theyā€™ll have 3 in 9 days. Incidentally there is no reason as far as I can see why the Chelsea game couldnā€™t be played on the Wednesday rather than the Thursday.
How the fuck is any of that fair to us? It isnā€™t us with the original problem so why should we be the ones with the massive disadvantage?
I hope Jurgen Klopp gets on to this absolute bullshit and calls out those responsible.


The more this season goes on, the more I think that there is something foul about it (and Iā€™ve never been a conspiracy stuff guy before, as everyone knows).

PL retaliation for us being frontrunners for Project Big Picture?


Since itā€™s about PL fixture, can we move/merge it with the PL Thread?

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Good suggestion, done.

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The thing is Man Utd were also from runners in that project.

Anyhow moving away from all that, the relegation battle has suddenly come alive, Newcastle along with us and Soton have dropped off completely, Soton have been similarly hit with injuries mind.

Newcastle really are in a bit of a battle.

Seems like we got to the magical 40 points and shut off.

We used to get to that point mark in seasons in the 90s and 00s (occasionally happened but less so in the 10s) and stumble for a few games but then start winning again, I think this must be the worst that Iā€™ve ever seen.


Brighton is divebombing the relegation zone.

just checked the table. Wish I hadnā€™t.

Only Southampton have a worse record over the last 5 PL games than us. That includes Sheffield Wednesday and Spurs who have identical record over the last 5 to us.

Dear me what a mess.


You mean United, Sheffield United, right?