Premier League 2020/21 (Part 2)

2-1 for City. Mahrez deflates the Saints spirit. One of the few teams doing worse than us sticking to what they do best🤨

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Currently seeing City scoring goals. Trying to remember what that feels like for us.

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And the machine rolls on.

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It’s hardly a fair fight, though.

It’s like Godzilla taking on a bloody Ewok.

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Not that surprising to be fair, after that clusterfuck of a season for them. I’m a bit disappointed for them, as I consider Sheffield to be a proper club with proper supporters. While they had them in their ground, they did really well. Not so much since then… Time for them to regroup in the Championship.

On the other hand, that Prince Abdallah can fuck right off from where he came from. Fucking Arab sheiks trying to take over our beautiful game… bah… :rage:


I posted this very scenario months ago in this thread. This exact scenario. The patience from the owner wouldn’t last forever. Abdullah wasn’t waiting around for this team to start winning after dumping all of that money into players. This is the result.

EDIT: The Brewster deal still fascinates me. We will obviously never know how the conversations went but I would’ve loved to be a fly on the wall to hear how their guys arrived at thinking he was worth £30M and then saying ok we will do it. That’s no small sum of cash. And then for Wilder to use him as sparingly as he did?


Always very heart warming to see a snide cunt like Wilder get binned, great news.



Probably a better point for Bruce than for Villa

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Think this is it for Big Sam to be honest, good riddance to his “record” that is based on him getting the sack instead of being relegated.

Probably quit the game before they go down to save it.


Haha, Roy giving Sam a bit of a lecture, it looked, as they both walked from the pitch.


Probably said we must be the two dullest boring cunts in world :earth_africa: football.

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So Tuchel finally start Havertz at CF, which Lamps never did. When we were talking here about Havertz coming to England in the summer I posted that I’d be interested to see if they’d put him up top because IMO thats where his long term future will be anyway.

But how in the world did he miss his chance in front of goal?! That was wide open and point blank on the keeper 3 yards out. He never lift his head or his eyes. That is a player wildly out of confidence. Wow.

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Burnley strike first on the Ev. 1-0


the eyebrow will be high


Was that Blondie’s less successful follow-up to The Tide Is High? :thinking:


To the letter of the law that’s handball on Holgate.


Bitters 2-0 down at home. Ha haha ha ha haha :joy:


What a gorgeous goal by McNeil. Sensational. Wow wow wow.

Absolutely rinses Allan and scores a majestic worldie. Wow.