Premier League 2020/21 (Part 2)

Palace takes the lead.

Yeah, brilliant. Very short roster, not a lot of new additions, always pretty much the same team. When people think they’re in trouble, they still manage to stay up and without much problems.


Checking handball from Iheancho and he does touch it. I can’t believe they gave that goal, considering some other goals they’ve chalked off.

Riedewald clear in on goal 1:1 v Schmeichel but inexplicably tries to pass to Benteke and Evans breaks it up. Really odd decision.

EDIT: there are many players in Leicester club that I simply don’t like. Spoiled, entitled, crybabies. That said, if it comes to pass Foxes do finish the season in CL spot I will be very happy for Brendan. It took a lot of guts to make the decision to sit those players after the party last week, in the thick of a top 4 race, but he has a vision and he wants his boys to adhere to it. That’s commendable.


Fucking hell this top 4 is gonna be tough to break into.

The 4 points dropped in the last 10 days have completely fucked us up.


It was gone after Fulham.

Then hope was back after three wins in a row but still a bit far off.

Now it’s clearly gone.

More unrealistic than Istanbul halftime + after Barca first leg combined.

Need 5 wins out of 5 but no way it’s going to happen.


Difficult to pin point a specific match, where we can say this is where top 4 was gone given our amazing results since December. And injuries one after the other before that.

It’s not a swift knife kill, but slow torturous death of our top 4 dreams for the past 4 months. Still might come alive at the end with some miracle, at least I hope so. :crossed_fingers:


Last 2 draws put a end to any dream of top 4.


If we get Top 4 now, it will be a real surprise. I can’t even see us getting a point on the weekend against United, let alone winning our last few and all of the teams around us dropping points.

The good thing is I doubt there will be mass exodus from the club for missing out on 1 year of CL footy - I think we have a solid enough spine to challenge for the title again next year.

We’ve had plenty of Thursday night seasons in the past, another won’t kill us.


My biggest fear for weeks was being in a situation where ManU can ‘finish’ our hopes with yet another frustrating result in their shithouse.


Tell you what with the financial results and possible lack of champions league we aren’t looking in a good place at the moment.

Haha remember when we thought we could attract the likes of Mbappe - they were fun times

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Thankfully for the club, the numbers won’t be coming as a surprise, and the recent investment from Red Bird Capital sounds as if it’s there to ensure a steady ship. But the loss of CL footy was probably the worst case scenario.

In terms of the impact that will have on future signings, I’m not overly concerned about us being able to attract/be of interest to players. Any footballer will know what the club offers (the manager, team, fans etc), but its whether we can stump up the transfer fees (and all the related costs). Thankfully Edwards has proved to be a shrewd negotiator, and Klopp/the coaching staff are good at their jobs, being able to take rough diamonds and work on them.

Problem is that the figures are to year end 31/5/2020 so the loss of i think it was 45 million isn’t really taking into account the loss of revenue of Covid.

In short next years figures which will show the Covid slump and potentially No champions league football won’t make pleasant reading at all.

I wasn’t specifically referring to the £45m loss to end May 2020 - I was saying that the club themselves know how the books look from June 20 - through to today (so won’t be surprised when future numbers are formally published (when we find out). The club will have been prepping for the loss of revenues accordingly, which includes the Red Bird investment.

Pretty much the same as I was saying - but I think the club is in a stable enough position to push on.

Stable enough to push on

But game changing signings like VVD Alisson etc may not happen for a few years.

Shame really because champions league qualification would have gone some way to remedying that.

Hope isn’t dead on top 4 qualification but it’s going to take the Liverpool of 2020/21 season to revert back to Liverpool 2017-2020 for the rest of the season and even then we’ll need others to slump which based on recent performances isn’t likely to happen

Also the year we posted profits of around 40million so it’s an 80million drop.

That’s crazy money when you sit back and look at it isn’t it

Saints probably about to get fucked 9-0 again. Never a red, though. Poor from the newbie ref.


It has to be something utterly atrocious and absolutely clear offence to award a marching order that early. These incidents and referees should be strictly reviewed.

In other news, Minamino is in the starting XI, this time on RW :grin:

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For fuck sake is the whole world against us

Leicester get given a massive advantage early on, at the same ground we suffered just about the most blatant example of corrupt refereeing I’ve seen in nearly 5 decades of watching football.

Strange isn’t it?