Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

Tierney’s been in the gym and medical cabinet again but still can’t see shit

you cant see me john cena GIF


I’ve already lost any kind of interest. The only reason why I keep turning in is to see LFC play, because more often than not, it’s a joy to behold. But for the rest… it’s a blatant shame that our best era since decades in terms of footballing quality has to come at a time of a ƒ°©∆¡~@ pandemics, and at a time during which the PL reveals itself more and more as a pseudo-competition, lacking any sporting fairness or integrity.

Klopp, as the integer and fair man he is, doesn’t deserve this shite. Fuck it.


There are 2 others that don’t live in Manchester.

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Just saw Walton on BT re the Shitty game.

Christ Almighty…it is a desdset joke the system as things stand.


BT need to get a top referee from Europe in for the analysis…
Maybe then it will break the bullshit that is Mike Riley’s rule book


That or someone who is happy to not try to cover the bull like Clattenberg did recently after the Spurs games.


I couldn’t believe the shite he was trying to spin it was cringe worthy.


Ludicrous level of mental gymnastics trying to justify the unjustifiable. And notice how he slows down while pulling an “explanation” out of his arse, you can almost see the smoke coming out of his ears from his brain working overtime coming up with that bullshit


It’s all rather baffling. Just makes the entire situation worse when they cannot be honest or perhaps genuinely that incompetent they can’t see what there is to see.

Never thought I would ever suggest this, but football games need handing over to VAR and a 3man monitoring committee that call every contentious decision and relay the instructions to the pitch referee to fulfil their decision…
The referee standards at the moment are dire, too much at stake for some clubs… whether we have reached or gone beyond the point of diligence and expectation from what are a bunch of useless prima-donnas constantly trying to claim their own 15minutes of fame… or whatever the reasons are at the moment, but when every fan in the country is unhappy at the piss poor standards served up to what is, the match paying public, well the old adage of “not everyone can be wrong” springs to mind…!
What a prick Peter Walton came across as… trying to be a friend to everyone, results in being a friend to no-one… he needs to grow a pair ‘town halls’ and stop faffing… call the poor decisions for what they are.!

I’d suggest VAR be based somewhere in Europe and not Stockley Park and handled by European referees


Walton backs whatever a referee decides and they hide behind his “years as a ref”. McCoist was put down by it during one of the Amazon matches after mentioning a WWE style hold in the box on a corner.

Apparently it “is a contact sport”


That isn’t far from what the NHL does - league office reviews every goal and a set of other major decisions. Same decision-makers for every game, though there is a game video official who manages what that group sees when they review.


Just do it like they do in rugby. Why the hell football and in particular the PL need to reinvent the wheel at every turn is beyond me.

Basically the referee is in charge and the linesmen, VAR referee can interject at any moment on any facet of play. They advise only. Decisions are done on the big screen and publicly. The conversations are heard on TV at least.


That didnt take long, everton 1-0 down

I will say again thought, a significant amount of the angst about VAR is based on comments from people who simply refuse to get themselves up to speed on the rules and regulations.

At least three times yesterday I heard managers or so called experts suggest that the ref should have at least gone and had a look at the monitor, and so the frustration was seemingly on the (seemingly) inconsistent application rather than the decisions. But that isnt what VAR is there for…it is not for refs to go and have another look. And if it was and was used in that way then the games would 3 hours to finish.


That’s the shame about Rafa being there, I can’t fully enjoy that.


The week break doesn’t seemed to have worked.

Danny ings 1-0, good finish, only his 4th of the season.

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Another for BHA, Rafa in trouble i think

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