Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

Mohammed bin Salman must be wondering if he has bought the team with the wrong colour stripes kit. The Saints won big with the new owners.

Good luck to Ranieri and Watford (17th in the table)

Their next three games are against Newcastle, Burnley and Norwich.

Could earn some vital points.


Could all but end the relegation race by February!


Aye, bash em all. Norwich is just unavoidable collateral damage for the good of the league.

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Burnley v Leicester postponed.

Burnley’s 4th postponement due to Covid - however the first to come at their request. They have also got a 5th game to play that was postponed due to snowfall (spurs).


They’re going to find it rough when they have to play all those games…


I think you’d probably have to say they are down.

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Gets harder and harder to follow and be enthusiastic about the PL season. So many postponements, AFCON. Not fun.


Would you say the same if we win it though?

I definitely would. I still feel sort of robbed by our title, and forget we even won it from time to time. Having waited for most of my adult life to see it, it was an anti-climax. This season will feel about the same.


They’re trying to buy time to buy new players. Currently trying to get a midfielder from Lens.

Liverpool winning the PL and Burnley heading down into the Championship…
Now that would be as a near a perfect season as could hope for…
Get that open topped bus serviced and ready to do the tour in May or June :0)

This season is a complete farce. Just making things up as they go, very little foresight or proactive guidelines, simply reacting in 24 hour cycles.

Where have all the “null and void” dipshits gone?


Gloating over their contrived double digit lead.


Said it twice already. PL will be forced to extend the season.

Matchday 37 and 38 is where all 20 teams have to play at the same time.

Can see a break between 36 and 37 where teams like Burnley have to play their remaining games.

By that time of course there will be teams who have nothing left to play for and we might see midtable teams use their kids.

Or hiding due to the 6 point gap to C/L spot


:joy: :joy: :joy:

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I bet they’ll be able to put out a decent side next Thursday against us.

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Perfect preparation for the second leg, be amusing if they lost it after all they banged on about.