Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

2 plus 1 today =3. :grinning:

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His absence probably reduces the likelihood of an injury to one of our players though.


Good on him but…

Must be like nothing else to put one in like that after coming up through the ranks.


Spurs not happy about the postponement. Can’t say I blame them, given that Arsenal had only one player with COVID when they applied for that…


Is there anything that the FA does not fuck up?

Yes, the ability to fck up in new ways.

Are they not the rules of the Premier League? Why blame the FA? It isn’t their competition…

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It also reduces the likelihood of Arsenal picking up a red card so will more likely mean they finish with 11 players on the pitch

That is not down to the FA, this is the P/L fucking up all these games getting postponed

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Two more injuries for Leeds in the first half against the Hammers. What’s holding that team together? Will be telling the eleven year old academy kids to suit up pretty soon.

Rafa gone, confirmed.

Bowen almost made it 3-3

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Looks like Leeds are safe.

Everton 16th.


That’s a decent scalp for Leeds to collect. Typical Gunfight at OK Corral approach for them. Got away with it this time.

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Makes a mockery of the postponements being handed left right and centre, these lot just get on with it.

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Thank fuck Bowen tried to chest that in, what was he thinking
Gordon Ramsey Idiot GIF

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Watched it and it was a very enjoyable game made more enjoyable by the updates from our game.

The restriction set the weekend after our game at Spurs has fucked the league over

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If only those shit-truck Chav fuckfaces had managed to hang on for a draw.


In cohoots with the shit club…

Even if we don’t win the league…

at the moment we have scored more goals than City and have one game in hand.

Maybe we can finish with a better goal difference in the end.

On matchday 32 we are playing at the Emptyhad and last thing I want to see is our players having to give them a guard of honor or letting them win the league on that day.

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