Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

If you can cancel/add yellow and red cards…you can make this a draw…but peppy will have a dicky fit…

I’m telling you some shit is going down here like what happened with Juventus. It’s too obvious now. Man City’s direct opponents are always affected and Man City alway get very favourable decisions. Just think, not one unfavourable decision has going against City this whole season and indeed last season. Wolves had a real chance of a draw and they got shafted. They tried to give everything against Spurs. The extra injury time was ridiculous. The 4th officials reaction at the end, looked totally like he was dejected City lost

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As much as i think Lampard is shite, he’s got a point here. Man City are gifted this win.


Be interesting to see what happens with Lampard, the fact they did nothing about Klopp when he slagged off Tiernay to his face suggests they knew he was right.


Wasn’t Tierney the ref who didn’t give us the penalty at Spurs, when Jota was hit by a truck?


Yeah and didn’t send off Kane


Both of those were Kavanagh, no?

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Tierney was the ref on the pitch, Kav was VAR. both seemed to have adjudged that nethier was a foul or a red card.

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One thing I will say they aren’t the machine they were a few years back.

As Spurs showed they can get all the favourable decisions in the world they couldn’t win. To be fair the penalty they got that day was a penalty mind.

Probably removes these two from our games yes the FA has plenty more of these idiots but these are two of the worst alongside Atkinson and Mason.


Bielsa sacked…

not surprised though

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I thought the guy is great but I just can’t see them surviving without a drastic shift and something Biesla didn’t seem to have in him.

Who knows if they will do enough to survive even a bounce might be enough to be honest. Without the change they were down mind.

Everton and Newcastle have enough in them and Burnley have found form

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At least I don’t have to like Leeds now Bielsa is gone. Hope they go down with their new energy drink yank manager.

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Too many more deserving relegation clubs to wish for them to go this season, next perhaps.

They were a lock to go down 12 hours ago, weren’t they?

Well they still may I’d rather Everton or Newcastle go before them.

You suggested it as a hope I was saying it as an expectation

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I think the third relegation spot is still up for grabs and either of Brentford (GP 27, Pts 24), Leeds (26-23), Everton (24-22), and Burnley (24-21) have good chance of making it. Sad to see Saudi Castle missing out.

I think it is now, I just couldn’t see how Biesla was changing anything.

Do hope Brentford stay up

The more London clubs, the better for us all.

Well I’d take Brentford over any of the remaining London clubs including Fulham who top the Championship, Yorkshire hasn’t got a club but you seem to want Leeds to go down now they let go of some bloke you don’t know.

I’d be delighted to see Blackburn come up and replace one of those that go down.

If I was to pick three teams to go down I’d go with Man City, Chelsea and Newcastle

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Insolvency for those three, I think. Save relegation for the clubs with some dignity.