Premier League 2023/24 (Part 1)

Frankly how can a team that spent so much with a manager that’s touted as a top one be so absolutely shite.

No doubt they will show up at Wembley then again they didn’t bother at Anfield. One of the most one sided games we’ve had this season the other one ironically was Newcastle

Like they just passed through them and the guy still nearly got the ball off a woeful pass through.

I’ve not seen them bar our game and that one at Wolves around Xmas, before then they seemed to just be unable to finish earlier in the season.

The whole thing looks shot now.

Chelsea do something 1-1

Not sure how they won this :joy:

Probably time up for Roy.

For good this time.

Thank fuck we won, otherwise this would’ve been a disastrous weekend. Best league in the world and that.

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The best teams win when they’re not playing well, says Courtney Kirk.

That isn’t what’s going on here.

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Like that could be suggested of us, or Arsenal or even Spurs and Man Utd.

Not a team 20pts behind. This was terrible tonight, a draw was a fair result, 3-1 is inflated to the extreme.

I’m no fan of Roy Hodgson and he was wholly unsuitable for LFC, but on a human level it’s a sad one how it’s ending at Palace for him. He should have stayed in his retirement, with his fond memories of a long career. Not too many highs to my mind, but he was proud of having managed across Europe when that was a rare thing indeed for an Englishman of his vintage. .

Instead it will almost certainly end on a sour note, and his last memory before slipping into retirement will be of a struggling and underachieving team, with fans wanting rid, and chanting and putting up banners to oust him.

I don’t know if I’m going soft in my old age, but it’s sad to see. Compare/contrast with Klopp. Liverpool fans are united in being gutted that he is leaving. His timing is impeccable, because we all want more. Hodgson outstayed his welcome, then went back when he shouldn’t have to underscore the point. Ouch.

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Palace is really shit. It’s a wonder that they aren’t in the relegation battle.

Doesn’t it nearly always though? Apart from the rare exceptions like JK and SAF it is pretty much inevitable.

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Hodgson generally gets more ridiculed than it’s needed in my opinion. Don’t have to like his football and he can dig his own grave deeper with some of the stuff he says at times (for an eloquent man), but always felt it’s over the top. And coming from fans who probably in other cases proud themselves on respect and stuff like that. It is how it is, I guess. Palace also had a lot of injuries to key players this season and it’s also the club that let themselves be in a certain stalling situation in certain positions. Having still the likes of Kelly, Ward and Clyne as their RB options in the last few years up to recently as an obvious example. So it’s really not surprising not to see them in a wonderful, comfortable, top 10 place all the time. The competition is great, there’s not enough places for clubs that want a peaceful season without dangerous periods. Hodgson was always going to leave soon, but Palace’s planning and squad building doesn’t fill me with confidence that they have learned much from their past lessons, when they went too far ahead with an “evolution” option in Boer, then went back to “safe bet” Roy. Uncertainity will likely continue in the near future, unless they really get some things right.


Stories in the media today that Palace is trying to lure McKenna away from Ipswich, again and likely not successfully. That is an interesting and for Palace sobering comparison. I know nothing about the Ipswich side, but they are only in the playoff places, while Palace is for now at least safely outside the relegation fight. A manager choosing to stay with a team fighting for promotion to the PL rather than build from the lower reaches of the PL says something about how the club is perceived.

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Surprised they’ve not had a go at Potter.

I suspect he is seen as a perversely risky pick by Palace. Recent failure (that Pochettino is helping to redeem), plus a strong association with their rival, that is the kind of pick that will blow up in a board’s face.

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Oh yes, forgot about the nonsense M23 rivalry - only the 46 miles between their grounds.

There’s more to it than that: it’s the Seagulls versus the Eagles. Avian supremacy is at stake.


The Canaries would say “lets be having yaaaaaaa”


And the Magpies are drowning in oil