Premier League 2023/24 (Part 1)

They better improve their defending

Sometimes I say it to jinx but sadly the only way Man City drop points tonight is if they all come down with the shits this morning.

Though would be almost unheard of a team to not play great against us and then turn up against our rivals. Because frankly after we had adjusted after 15 mins they really didnā€™t do much bar the goal.

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Drop some polyethylene glycol in their isotonic drinks half an hour before kick-off. By the end of the first half theyā€™ll all be like Gary Lineker in that world cup game against Ireland.

I think itā€™s time we visited the dark arts.

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Or do it as the players finish their warm up, so that it kicks in a few minutes into the 2nd half. Force them to have the game abandonded due to them covering the pitch with shite

Then have the league kick them out for being a bunch of filthy gruby cunts that canā€™t even use a bathroom properly

ā€¦ and yet people accuse Australians of bad taste.
Extraordinary :roll_eyes:

The last time I purposefully didnā€™t watch the game they won, last time I watched they drew, so I guess Iā€™m watching today.

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You are the anti-@Limiescouse

I think there is a paradox that involves tying us together and smearing his face with jam then seeing which side up we land when pushed over. Iā€™m willing to run the experiment if @Nobluff is if it means City drop more points.


And that is what we all love about you.

Always willing to step up when the team needs you :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™m all about experimentation, can we throw in some peanut butter and whipped cream?

I was about to ask why Pep Guardiola never plays Nunes, who he previously called ā€œone of the best players in the worldā€ but in trying to find that clip I found another one of him laughing and saying he over-exaggerated and that Nunes is not one of the best. So I guess that answers that question.


Urgh, they have no fucking chance of getting anything out of this.

From the BBC chatā€¦

As a Brentford fan, I canā€™t but admire Man City. I hope the team isnā€™t decimated when the Fair Play charges are finally heard.

ā€¦rightā€¦as a Brentford fanā€¦


Pep one yellow away from a two match ban. Is that correct ?

Nah. The story is heā€™s one 8-ball away from a perforated septum.


My phone keeps pingingā€¦itā€™s all happening in Ipswich v Rotherham!!


Flappy Flekken.

nice goal line clearance there

Heā€™s pretty terrible.

How many matches?

Angry Manchester City GIF by DAZN

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