Premier League 2023/24 (Part 2)

Todd Boehly will just think it means he has to wear a baseball cap with the word ‘spending’ written on it whilst scouring the transfer market.

They’ve already maxed it out, have 115 charges, and way closer to the 5 x anchor number. The good old days of paying agents the same as that paid for the player (Halaand) and it not showing within amortisation goes out the window with this - think same applies to Chelsea. Hence their votes against it.

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Nothing will come of the 115 charges. It is expected that the outcome will be announced in summer 2025. Just in time for the new financial rules.

I’d rather they are found not guilty. I’d rather that than having spent years and years of my life being hustled out of moments we can never get back.
Clubs will already be looking at ways to circumvent any new rules. Nothing will change.

Fuck that. I want them to be found guilty and to be stripped of titles. That’s not to mean I want any stripped titles to be given to other clubs (including ourselves).

It would also spell the end of Pep - he would walk - without Pep they won’t be gobbling up title after title - he’s elite at working with a limitless budget - very few managers can do that.

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I want them stripped of titles too. And hopefully relegated, preferably by more than one level.

The slight difference for me is I want the titles to be awarded to the second placed team/runner up.

It won’t be the same, of course - the players will be robbed of the moment, and so will the fans. But in a small way it still acknowledges the achievement, albeit belatedly.


Eh? Why? I for one would enjoy their downfall if that ever became true. Not that it will happen, but hey, we can still dream, no? :wink:

Because for me it doesn’t really achieve a lot apart from ‘what ifs’. I’ve enjoyed and endured the last 8-12 years (post Hodgson). When Jack Walker did it with Blackburn, the scum selling 5 kits a season, Chelsea with Roman and Real Madrid Galaticos, there were very few investigations and allegations of cheating.

We still competed and won trophies.

I get why many would rejoice in their demise. I genuinely think it will be better for all of us in the long run if they are found 100% not to have done anything wrong. Not that they get off on a technicality.

Consider all those whose lives will be tortured by the what ifs. The players , managers and supporters.

I don’t see many discussing what the negative aspects of a ‘guilty’ (guilty is probably the incorrect word here) are.

There may be some downsides to a guilty verdict that leads to anguish, especially if it is just a slap on the wrist in terms of punishment. That will not feel just.

But having them charged and found guilty is significantly more justice than we currently have!

If they are found guilty, I hope it will be like any other guilty verdict.

There will be recompense, as appropriate. That won’t just be measured in trophies stripped and awarded to the rightful recipients. Hopefully it will be measured in prize money, and other related income that legitimate winners missed out on, being paid.

Yeah just not sure over the legal terminology due to it being PL rules and not laws of the game. Not a big deal really in terms of my feelings about the situation.

The financial recompence for a club will mean fuck all to me! :joy: No amount of money will make up for being cheated out a moment of ecstasy.

Pretty sure Steven Gerrard would rather have the title winning moment than being told '11 year s late mate but here is X amount of money for the contract bonus you missed out on - you would have won the league but the other team cheated. It won’t go down as a title winning season though because we don’t know for sure you’d have won it"

It will just be a mess. It is the moments and memories that matter.

edit: In terms of ‘justice’ one will be able to retort to rival supporters about it. one already knows one will receive back mentions of being victims. sighs.

To me, that is why it matters. I have actually been on a team that had a silver upgraded to gold two years on (steroids). You know what that moment opening the letter was worth? Sweet fuck all. The gold may have been devalued, but it damn sure didn’t transfer over to the silver. With cheating, there is a net loss that over time becomes decay. But there is no going back. A sport’s failure to address these moments will inexorably lead to downfall - just look at what happened to boxing. Eventually, we all just got bored and moved on. It wasn’t outrage that killed boxing as a first tier sport, it was the sheer fucking boredom of knowing we were watching cheating, again.


i have to admit…thats a different take…


What a load of nonsense.


I am not saying it should be a swept under the rug kind of verdict. I genuinely mean it will be better for all if it is proven beyond all doubt that nothing untoward has taken place.

If the opponent is slightly better then that can be accepted. When it is 2 years down the line, proven that the opponent cheated, that is 2 years where life could have taken a different path. One doesn’t get the deserved opportunity to capitalize on being the best. That moment passes and it is just not right.

If one doesn’t qualify for the Olympics. One doesn’t want to be told 1-4 years later they should have qualified because three athletes who finished ahead of them were using PEDs. It is too late. it needs to be caught immediately.

I think about Brendan Rodgers. He has received so much abuse and been ridiculed. Daniel Sturridge had a career defining season. Joe Allen, Flanno and was it brad smith? All that mental anguish for nothing? to be replaced by new what ifs? the feeling of being robbed of that moment.

if city are proven to have broken the rules. People should spare a thought for what that actually means for those players and managers of teams who they cheated.

I hope that you managed to come to terms with what happened and that the rest of your team are doing well.

If you don’t get it. Don’t get why it is not nonsense. It’s all good. It is just my point of view.

It’s not a vote winning one. granted. :joy:

I get what you are saying and understand the general points and can accept them …but it goes a bit further than that, the reason they won’t be found guilty imo is not because of them finding any wrong doing but simply because the premier league as an organisation is corrupt and that also applies to uefa/FIFA …

How many teams have lost out because of relegation and all the monies they would have accrued if city weren’t allowed to become the behemoth of the spending that we saw ? Considering that some of those teams may have operated under the rules of ffp…only to see themselves punished for following the rules whilst city were allowed to disregard everything?

How many teams knocked out by city in all cup competitions have lost money (especially in CL) because they broke the rules and progressed?

That was talk about the government :joy::joy: taking control in sort of capacity to regulate it…which means again they would be found not guilty as those fucks would only look to make money for themselves and get in on the action.

The truth is , football in how it is run in all aspects is disgusting, we have a player on £400k a week…yes I know it’s the modern world and all that shit, but the bubble needs popping and a sense of realism needs to be found .

And the reason players are on that much is because of man city and psg now…but before that it was the likes of Barca , united , Madrid and even us paying stupid wages that allowed it to be viewed as normal …city and psg just took to even higher disgusting heights

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I don’t agree with this assertion - I think a lot of people would still want to know if they missed out because others were cheating, especially if there is a lot of ‘evidence’ that cheating is taking place as it offers a sense of vindication, which appears to be the case here.
It also more likely to lead to positive changes to tackle similar abuses in the future.


I think you’re confusing what was permitted within the rules, and what actual cheating is. Unless I’m much mistaken, there were precious few financial rules prior to 2008 (at least), and since then, City have been alleged to not just have cheated on those rules, but also committed fraud in order to cover it up.

Massive, massive difference there.


i didn’t say they wouldn’t want to know. i said they wouldn’t want to know after the event. these process takes far too long. It needs to be dealt with immediately.

Which doesn’t change the point. After the event a significant proportion of the people would still want to know, regardless of how long it took. They may no longer have the opportunity to benefit directly from the victory but their efforts can be better recognised.

Having it dealt with sooner would obviously be preferable but that isn’t always possible in complex situations especially where one party is doing everything in its path to delay investigations and fight against possible action.