Premier League 2023/24 (Part 2)

The handball one is one of those which they just seem to make up in the moment. To the casual observer whats the difference between that and the one against Wan Bissaka in the semi.

Clattenburg’s done a piece for the horriblentory rag…doesnt mention he works for Forest

Yeah, I’d argue it is in the category that can frustrate general football fans at the week to week inconsistency, and one that you wouldnt criticize a forest fan feeling aggrieved about. Neither this not the Reyna rise to the level of anything other than that. Their third one, one I likened to the Jota one (spurs?) from a couple of years ago Im still salty we didnt get, is the one where they have a genuine reason to demand an explanation for it not being given.

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I’m looking at the bigger picture. The more clubs calling these cheats out the better because one thing is for sure, we will never ever get a fair crack of the whip with this group of fucking corrupt bastards refereeing matches. Simple as that. This isn’t the first season we’ve been done out of the title if that’s how it pans out, this could well be the 4th time we finish behind City by a point or two where we can look back and identify 3,4,5 games over the season where they’ve shafted us.
The problem is it’s not ‘every other club’ who are suffering is it? City, Arsenal, Man U, Spurs…I can’t think of too many dodgy, match-changing decisions going against any of these this season, can you? I can think of plenty where they’ve benefitted though. And that’s why it wont change on it’s own, too many big hitters keeping quiet because they know it’s in their best interests to do so.
The only way is for the aggrieved parties to keep calling them out and expose the fucking apologists like Carragher and Neville whose sole interests are to protect the gravy train they’re on.
Might all be wishful thinking but it’s either that or sit back and watch the mancs, Arsenal etc continue to be gifted titles at our expense.


The list of grievances Liverpool have this season alone is staggering. Forests complaints, legitimate or not do not mirror the level of ineptitude/bias/corruption that Liverpool have suffered.
Forest may think they legitimised their process by hiring an ex ref, but it has made them open to more ridicule. However, someone has to challenge this level of nonsense at some point.

Howard Webb’s appointment was a sword through the heart of honesty and integrity for Liverpool. And another reason for City to rejoice.

City are below their standards of the last few years, but are in a cup final (despite Grealish handball) and a title race (despite Doku assault, for one). All the while facing charges that appear to be melting away into the ether.

Whilst Oliver (Best Ref tm) is on the payroll of Arab leagues for guest appearances, and decisions go the way of City, then football remains broken.

And Forest, whining cunts or not, may be starting the conversation to fix it.


Lots of fallout over the Forest complaints.
Some don’t agree it would seem, namely Carragher and Neville.
Those pair of cunts will just keep sending out sound bites to keep their paymasters happy and viewing figures high.
But agree or not, all of the comments have kept the issue in the spotlight, where it should be.

There are weekly examples of incompetence, bias, and just downright in your face cheating.
It needs to be highlighted as often as possible.

The number of apologists, especially from within our own fan base, is nauseating.


The problem with the Forest complaints is that their genuine grievances (this weekend, for example) are drowned out by hysterics over trivia (the drop ball thing against us which all the pundits were claiming was a “monumental error” even though it was a minor quibble of no real consequence).

I have the feeling with Forest, that PGMOL officials are now minded to get them relegated simply to get shut of their constant whining.

With us, it’s a constant trickle of game changing errors. I don’t think we will see another example of the Spurs game, where there was a concerted effort to throw the match, because Paul Joyce pointed out who the officials paymasters were afterwards. But if there is an option to subjectively wave a decision they will take it. That’s why the Premier League in general is unwatchable for me.


Nobody is calling out ashley young (playing for evarton) doing his best and utmost to give forest a penalty?? He was involved in all 3 situations but the refs aren’t cooperating?? :rofl: :rofl:

He might have been sent off if one or two had been given.

We don’t want that

,is it not time to start calling him Ashley Old - the guy is about 90 now :0)

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Cunt :joy:

First and second ones are the types that, if given on the field, don’t get overturned but equally if not given they won’t be overturned the other way either. I don’t think either of them can be called stonewall penalties.

Third one certainly should have been - but it’s also easily explainable by incompetency rather than malice. An incomptence most referees have shown this season.

Is Atwell even confirmed to be a Luton fan? He grew up in Nuneaton and he doesn’t seem to have any links to the area. Why would he be? It seems that many fan pages, who previously never mentioned Atwell’s allegiances, are now on the “everyone has known he’s a Luton fan for ages” train. Is that true? I did a quick google and I did find mention from 2010 of someone on a forum calling him a Luton fan - but it was “My mate used to play footy with him and he’s a massive Luton fan”. Can’t really be called reliable.

I don’t really pay any attention to referees. I find it stunning that people can pull out a rolodex of poor decisions at the mention of their names.


It is now being reported that Forest’s made no such appeal to the PGMOL to remove Atwell, which only bolsters criticism of Forest’s conduct. This is before you even get into the incredibly problematic issue of clubs trying to veto appointments (this was the main mechanism through which the Calciopoli scandal occurred).

There are serious issues with the PGMOL and its use of VAR. As has been pointed out by several people, its just not reasonable to try to position the first two claims as ones that justify this level of complaint. If Forest pointed to those as examples of inconsistency that result in players not understanding what they can and cannot get away with then everyone would have even more sympathy for them over how bad the third one was. But their argument is bad on its face and they then tried to support that by lying to single out a specific official.

If you hate the PGMOL and think that any criticism is good because they are cunts, then this might give you some cathartic relief. But you are kidding yourself if you think this so easily discredited a criticism does anything to bolster legitimate complaints against them or gets us get closer to the meaningful improvements in the way games are officiated that are needed. People may not see it, but they are actually responsive to criticisms of them. They are constantly trying to calibrate their interpretations towards what Webb refers to as “what the game expects”. This often doesn’t make anything any better because it is based on a reactionary streak that introduces even more inconsistency over a given period (see the “respect campaign” being brought in in response to complaints and then being allowed to die out because ultimately people didn’t want players sent off for waving an imaginary card). What that means is that if the PGMOL are going to be moved in the right direction by complaints, it is important they are hearing the right ones. Fuck, if they are going to be moved at all it is important that such obviously bad faith arguments arent given so much weight as Forest’s recent complaints otherwise the likely response will be for them to retreat from engagement with the game and shut out the legitimate complaints resulting in the status quo being maintained.


I do.

I don’t think think they were denied three clear penalties. They were denied one clear pen, one 50/50, and one that I’m just not having as a pen (you can’t blam the ball at someone’s arm from a yard away and claim a stonewall penalty).

None of them were as stonewall as the Odegaard one, or the Doku one against us.

The problem with Forest’s complaints is that they come at the end of months of trying to turn every decision that doesn’t go their way into some kind of conspiracy. Let’s not forget at the end of our game with them they attempted to turn a minor procedural error of which there was little consequence, into a national scandal. There is more than a whiff of crying wolf about this.

Forest have been at the vanguard of a trend in football this year, in which clubs have attempted to weaponise bad refereeing in order to a) influence matters on the pitch and b) detract from their own managerial and strategic failings.

Forest are, by some distance, the most pathetic, myopic, cynical bunch of whining pricks ever to grace the Premier League. They have taken it to new levels this season with their refereeing consultants, their owner harassing officials, and their repeated threatening statements.

There needs to be a reckoning with PGMOL, and the premier league as a whole need to compel them to get to grips with their staff (starting with those foreign jaunts to UAE). But don’t look to Forest to lead the revolution - they are as bad faith as they come. They want substantially more than a fair crack of the whip.


And a classless one at that.

The club and fan-base that has cry-arsed for months and months about corruption despite being bang to rights.
Funny when it happens to somebody else though isn’t it?
If they were that concerned about corruption they’d have some empathy with Forest, but not these nasty bastards. Says everything about them.

I find it stunning you don’t pay any attention to referees when the same old faces are cheating us out of PL titles.

And when you give it you have a large portion of the game (rightly) losing their shit at how you can possibly expect defenders to defend if you’re allowing that to be a foul/pen.

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Palmer is a doubt for Chelsea tomorrow against Arsenal, due to illness. Both Gusto and Chilwell unlikely to play also, due to injury. May as well just give Arsenal the three points now.

Taps the “count the points” sign