Premier League 2023/24 (Part 2)

Lots of complaints about the refs are transparently self serving bollocks that demonstrate a lack of understanding of the rules, often seemingly willfully so. Complaints have to be viewed through that context. Forest went out and hired chief cunt, Clattenberg, and the nature of their arguments never changed. They were in as bad faith afterwards as they were before, and by paying Clattenberg to voice them they have done as much to damage the credibility of the game as anything the PGMOL had done.


Villa moving six points clear of Spursy Spurs after today. Played two games more though

Crazy that Chelsea have a chance of Europe :joy:

We’ve won the league cup so you’d suspect we should get a CL spot so that frees up 6 and and then if Man City win the FA cup that means 7th.

Finally saw the penalty claims, the first two are the sort you get wound up about when you already think things are going against you. You’ve seen them given, but when you do the complaints seem to be louder than the agreements. The third is a total farce. Like the one a few years ago when Jota got bundled over from behind when shaping to shoot. I genuinely dont get how you even craft an argument after the fact to not give that

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Fightin’ talk…

Really? I think the whole country being gaslighted by Webb every week is far worse. Right now we are still in a situation where we could miss out on the title by a few points and every man and his dog knows we have had those points stolen off us whether they admit it or not. Cunts like Carragher and Neville will slate what Forest are doing because it all goes against their deluded agenda of the PL being the bestest, fairest league in the world.
I’m all for anyone calling these cheating cunts out and I just wish somebody at our club had had the backbone to do so a few years back when it became more and more obvious what was happening. Keeping quiet has done us no fucking good whatsoever. It will continue until these bastards are exposed for what they are.


“Consider their options”

They haven’t any… the end.


Forest have every right to be pissed off but the way they’ve handled the matter is shit

It’s called picking the right battles.

They won’t find much sympathy.

won’t be hard for someone with good eyes to scan the 10k crowds at luton for attwells face.

I’d go further than that. Picking battles has the implication of choosing not to pick a fight over a justified grievance for the greater good. Forest have not just failed to do that, they have fabricated grievances over and over again and done so to hide from their own ineptitude. It’s almost like they have tried to create a pressure situation to psyche the authorities off docking them points for fear of it looking like Forest are being targeted. They have contributed probably more than any other club or single entity in turning up the dial on the grievance to 11 and sustaining it there. Now we are there, the genuinely diabolical stuff gets lost in the noise. We are now in a situation where one of the all time worst refereeing blunders over the diaz goal is lost in a sea of nonsense complaints.

@mattyhurst @Limiescouse IF they have actual evidence that the guy is a luton fan and they notified the authorities (who then did nothing). Previous complaints won’t matter. They ll have a genuine case and it ll be off to CAS (probs) or just some kind of courts we go. IF its an unprovable allegation they ll be fucked for bringing the game into disrepute.

IF this is true it ll open a can of worms the like never seen before.

My feeling is it’s swept under the carpet.

My feeling is the ineptness of refs is being felt.

This is the list of other decisions, a free kick given the wrong way (oh is that all) and a drop ball that they benefited from in the first half and was a whole 2 minutes and 3 passages of play later including a throw.

So effectively they lost 1pt possibly 3 to all those decisions. How many have we lost?

I’ve got my thoughts that it’s all Billy big bollocks as he plays in Turkey. Anyhow they are also financial cheats.

What do you think would happen at the end of the season if we lost the title on goal difference? Do you think there’d be a national outcry over it? Questions raised in parliament? Nobody gives a fuck. It wont be talked about other than ‘banter’ on social media because it was them scousers getting done over. We’ll be ridiculed and told to ‘move on’ by cunts like Neville who’s club benefits massively year in year out from dodgy refereeing.
Do you think Forest’s complaints today are part of a ‘sea of nonsense complaints’ after they’ve been denied 3 clear penalties in one match? You’re defence of PGMOL is astonishing. Webb and his corrupt group of refs are a cancer that needs cutting out.


The Forest complaints are increasingly straying towards conspiracy theories


Which is fine by me. Because we have seen a clear case of match-fixing this season and titles/relegation are being decided by fucking cheats. A blind man on a fast horse can see it now.

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The Forest bosses might prove to be useful idiots if it brings about some changes for the better. I’m not sure what those changes might be - better automation with VAR, better transparency with refs and PGMOL, shutting down nation states bringing Prem refs in on a well paid jolly. Other?

There may be some useful reforms that Forest help to bring about.

Compared to what has happened to us though, they are not too hard done by.

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Sadly feel they will get more insecure in their mentality.

Refs have got worse I didn’t think that possible. Forest do have a case to think they’ve been robbed having watched them but they’ve created this idea which isn’t actually there.

And it includes an example of that drop ball which frankly angers me.

Not to mention they are also finance doping cheats and would seek anyway to avoid fair penalties for that in the PL meetings.

Watching Motd, the more I see the pen shouts for Forest, the worst it gets. I don’t get it. How these officials. Can show their faces. In public. When they’re capable of howler after howler.

Missing 1 pen in a game anyone can miss, but 3. Nah and certainly not with VAR around.


I think that is likely the case. I also dont know why you think Forest doing this does anything to help our cause. There is a difference between a legitimate grievance and something as transparently bullshit as they have now developed a habit of doing. The more coverage complaints get about an arguably incorrectly awarded drop ball, or demanding a written explanation for VAR not getting involved in something that is clearly explained in the VAR protocol that they have access to, the more reasonable people just want to be done with it. We all ready saw the shift several months ago of our ongoing astonishment about the Diaz incident being compared to any trivial grievence of every other club

Oh, you think you’re special because you scored a goal that the officials knew was a goal and just allowed the game to go on without it being awarded? Did you know we had a game where it was pretty clearly a corner and ref gave a goal kick. See…your complaints arent unique. We all get fucked by the refs the same way.