Racism and all the bad -isms

If they are shit parents ,wouldn’t they be shit for all their kids.How do you explain the 1 child within the same family that goes astray.

Shit parents?

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Can you explain why they are great with 3 of their kids but shit with the other 1?

Inconsistency? No idea. what’s your specific example please?

I am sure there are shit parents who like to blame everyone else except themselves for their kids turning bad. But surely you cannot say that for those 13000 kids excluded from school for example, all their parents are shit? I am sure there are parents out there who really need all the help they can, especially from schools and teachers to play a role too in helping them shaping their kids but instead do the opposite.

My own family.All 4 treated the same and 1 didn’t make it ,got in with the wrong crowd.Before we realised what was happening it was too late.Parents done everything they could to try and help but sometimes it just isn’t enough.Look for help where you can but the services aren’t always there .Can’t pay for professional help as the moneys wasn’t there.Sometimes someone just takes the wrong path and 30yrs later they still haven’t fully found their way back.

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As simple as falling in with the wrong crowd?

Yes.The wrong crowd in my area really were the wrong crowd.It wasn’t so obvious right at the start as we knew everyone on our block but over the space of about 6mths to a year drugs and gangs took over.The amount of young kids that got caught up in crime within the space of a couple of years was unreal.My parents moved us as soon as they could but by the time they did it was too late.Many others just couldn’t get out as they had nowhere else to go.Some went on to a life of crime and/or drug abuse and some paid the ultimate price for not getting out.
It’s not always down to shit parents


not always down to shit parenets, but they can be a reason and more often than not (no stats) i suspect the main cause…

but its not black and white…as it never is…sorry if this difuses another colourful debate…

The Tory philosophy summed up in a sentence. Well done!

He’s not saying that as you know. He’s saying that giving up on schoolkids has bad effects for the whole society, but you are determined to continue with your simplistic views whatever alternatives are presented to you.
The Genghis Khan approach has been proven not to work, but you continue to call for despotic measures.


I wonder if you are just looking for a row?
Every now and then you throw a grenade in, just to stir things up.

There are great parents who have wayward kids. Its nature working over nurture.
Blaming the parents is lazy, uneducated and irresponsible.


furthermore, plenty of decent people are not ‘great’ parents, sometimes, yes, even out of thier own control.

both having to work to make the ends meet is one.

theres heaps of mitigating circumstances.

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It’s quite possible that a child who is having behavioural problems in school has specific developmental problems and educational requirements. The default for schools and social services is to blame the parents. Because blaming the parents is much cheaper than addressing the problem.

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Most of @Klopptimists posts are just masturbation. Sneering at other people with a subtle hint of how great he is and how well he is doing.

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Hell of a difference between doing well and aspiring to. Thanks for the compliment though :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Are you looking for a row in the virtual pub, or do you really belive that poor parenting is the cause of children with difficulties?

It’s not a belief, it’s observable fact. The kids who are usually late, haven’t done their homework, haven’t washed, have parents (or a parent) who are not bothered, don’t come to parents’ meetings, don’t co-operate etc etc TEND to be the ones with problems.

Let me give you a perfect example. After lockdown, a school asked me to compile all the data for just attendance on remote lessons. Guess, just take a wild guess which kids tended to be the worst attenders. And every single one of them had the IT gear to connect and participate.

Some kids do really well despite having bad parents. Some do badly with loving parents who try everything to do well. There are no hard and fast rules but the trends can’t (and shouldn’t) be ignored.

Kids of married couples do better than those from single homes. There’s a deep social debate about this and I’m sure it could cause another row. Causes being rape, domestic abuse etc. Again, minority cases. The parents have a responsibility to their kids from day one. Some take it seriously and some don’t. Those who do tend to have nicer children.

If you strip out the whole culture war bullshit, it’s actually quite fascinating.

I’m wondering how much of the reference to God as male comes from linguistic characteristics, which often have tenuous links to actual gender (ask the Germans on the board why girls aren’t male nor female). Certainly both paternal and maternal analogies are used in the Bible to describe God, and I think Catholicism officially recognises that.

Mind you, no one asked Jesus what his gender was, everyone’s just assumed…

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