Racism and all the bad -isms

Does God have a willy?

Did Adam?
Now there’s a thought.

I personally don’t even think a god exists, or Jesus existed in the form he’s portrayed, but that’s for another discussion

The whole bible thing is of little interest to me, only posted it because the idea seemed somewhat whacky.

But, if they’re going to go down that route, it’ll surely require a re-write of the whole bible, otherwise it’s a pointless act of posturing?

Probably. About time for another effort at translating the Bible anyway… King Charles Version anyone?

Fuck, did you just agree with me?
I feel giddy :joy:

From the original?

No Way GIF by StickerGiant

The difficulties should be viewed in societal context then.
And ask the question surrounding parenting in socio economic depravity and the grounding and education required to parent children to that is societally acceptable.
Its not an observable fact, nothing in the discussion is.
Your data compilation is a quantitative study where qualitative analysis is required.

You are generalising here, and though I don’t know you I can assume its speaking from a place of privilege.

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The “somebody else’s” fault argument. You can’t afford the kids, don’t have them as a cheap alternative to turkey at Christmas.

How is that “somebody elses fault?”
You lost me there

Socio economic depravity. Blaming society for poor parenting. I was listening to LBC earlier in the week and the debate was whether a toothbrush and toothpaste was now a luxury. Host accused by one caller of taking the piss out of people who couldn’t afford to feed their kids. I can’t afford to run a 30 year old Ferrari so I don’t own one. Simple really.

truly, yes it happens. my best friend growing up went sideways when we hit 15-16yrs old. our families were close. He got into wrong crowd. started doing drugs, then was addicted and took him 15yrs to fully kick it. he died last summer on his 48th birthday, I hadn’t seen him in over 20yrs.

Weirdly almost identical to a mate of mine. Very bad crowd and dead in his 40s.

wasn’t the parents’ fault. they were good people. He just got into the wrong crowd in school (smoking and drinking at 15), and it tailspun from there. his chemical addiction ended up manifesting itself as seizures and he died from a grand mal on his bed on his birthday.

whats a ‘grand mal’?

An extreme seizure

There are things that I disagree with Klopptimist and some I actually agree with. For this bad parents thing, I hope he is not serious about brushing it with broad strokes. I think most would agree that bad parenting could be a factor in some or even many cases. But like some have also pointed out, sometimes it could be a matter of bad choices made by the individual. I had a friend who was sentenced to death when he was just 21 because he got greedy and trafficked drugs. And he came from a decent family and with nice parents. I think good parenting definitely will help in a big way in shaping a child’s future path. But when a child goes astray, its not always bad parenting. And pinning it on only bad parenting is not helpful. And ultimately the issue here is excluding children from school. I am very passionate about seeing children having at least some basic education and to agree that excluding children from school because they are difficult go against that. And from a society point of view, excluding these children from school are going to cost society more in future because if you do not try to arrest their path now, when they do grow up and get involved in more serious stuff, then the baggage on society will be even more strained.

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Even if we accepted the bad parenting explanation, wouldn’t that lead us to try to help people to become better parents instead of name calling?
Being a parent is by far the most important thing any of us do in our lives, but we receive no instruction in how to do it apart from the example of our own parents. If they aren’t good at it, it’s likely that the cycle will continue.
Maybe schools have changed, but I was taught nothing about how to bring up a child, but a lot about fractions, the periodic table and the Tudors.


Although, if you want a good example of bad parenting you could do worse than starting with the Tudors: “Where’s Mum?”; “I beheaded her.”

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Actually honestly, I will correct myself, my opinion is there is no such thing as good or bad parenting. Like you said, its a on the job learning kind of thing. But overall we do see examples around us of what we can come on board as effective parenting. There are many ways you can be a parent but I think the least effective to me are those, and there are a number around me, who likes to blame the government, the world, the other people, the other kids, the media and everything else for how their kids turn out. Those are factors but ultimately, there are parents who try their best and parents who blame the rest. But to me, whether how we label parents, or whether they are effective or not, to me, that should not be a factor in whether a kid should be in school or not, that should be non-negotiable unless of course you want to home school your kids but I supposed the original video where the “13000” kids excluded from school were more of like taken out not by their own choice.

So by dint of this, poor people should not have children.
Because we cannot blame poverty for poor parenting?