Racism and all the bad -isms

Sorry, but that’s absolute bollocks. There have been plenty of interventions to prevent children being born into poverty - you only need to look at how the teenage pregnancy rate has reduced in the last 20 years.

Feckless idiots breeding like rabbits that don’t have enough money to bring them up :thinking:

boris GIF

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Where did I say you did?
Looking for the smart answer and not reading what is said.

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Not sure what point you’re making here.
Mine was tongue in cheek following on from the preceding exchanges.

Don’t think you’re managed to provide the cause or solution for kids vandalising property

Bad parenting

Theres no variety in that childs diet at all.

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That’s not something I could push along and guide to the car…
Can’t remember the last time I pushed a trolley that had all FOUR castors working in unison :0)

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Barack Obama Mic Drop GIF

Well bugger me. Every day’s a school day. I fairness I wasn’t talking about teenage pregnancy specifically.

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A solution is always simple. You might not like it today though.

I’m guessing you’re the kind of person who used to read the instructions on lego kits rather than just playing with it. I find the hands on approach tends to achieve things and spending months looking at figures produces bureaucracy.

I give you SpaceX vs NASA.

SpaceX was able to use the work of others as a basis. NASA had to work it out from scratch (at least the rocket scientists that had been working on it since the 1920s had to. )

Standing on the shoulders of giants.

I’ll grant you that NASA can be needlessly bureaucratic.


Somewhat ironically SpaceX Elon is obsessed with the danger of underpopulation

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Don’t bother, I think that conversation was already had months ago with predictable results…


This is a bat shitedly bizarre response.

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No, it just doesn’t fit into your rigidly shaped information receptors. If something doesn’t comport with your view on the world, it makes no sense. Try thinking outside the box, play with the lego……

Moving on from good or bad or apeshit or best in class parenting…I read an article somewhere in recent days that a school was blasted for serving waffles, fried chicken and watermelon for black history month. I knew there were some insinuations, negative ones, about fried chicken and blacks that I hear from my American friends in the past, but I googled and it seems that in this case, it was deemed offensive because it was served together as a meal…I am curious, is this the case? If served separately, would it have been ok? I shudder to think that the meal provider did this on purpose knowing its black history month?

Can’t help you with the combination but probably best to file under the “People will be offended by anything” heading.

Sorry, late to this one but along the same theme I was going to ask @Klopptimist what makes parents bad? Was it their parents or something else perhaps? :thinking:

Society has a big say in this imo. If you fuck people over continually it creates the environment we have.
Why not address that rather than tossing people on the scrap heap? It becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. Ultimately it comes down to wealth across the whole of society imo. Up to you how you define wealth.

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Ive always said people should have to apply for a licence and take a test to breed.
Tried adopting a puppy? They want to know everything about you - yet you can bring a kid into the world while living in complete poverty or you’re a raging druggy.
People have kids then get bored with them as they realise its hard work.

Well just my opinion on the subject and in no particular order:
Doesn’t talk to their kids as often as possible from day 1
Doesn’t read to them
Doesn’t count with them
Doesn’t rhyme with them
Doesn’t play with them
Feeds them shit (do you eat purely out of jars and cans? If so you’re fucked from day 1)
Parked infront of the TV / phone
Doesn’t take them outdoors
Doesn’t encourage exploration, creativity, imagination
Doesn’t teach them manners
Doesn’t look after their personal needs properly
Doesn’t discipline them
Dumps them on parents / friends

And that’s before they’re 2. And that’s fuck all to do with society.

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Just sounds very unhealthy