Racism and all the bad -isms

So when someone fails it’s the their parents fault but free decision is yours alone? A decision you took without any external information. You were apparently born to vote brexit by some fluke of genetics I guess. No external influences. Sorry but by your argument you should be the same as your parents. You clearly aren’t and have been influenced by other things. These other things make you you.

So we aren’t mirrors of our parents and are moulded by other factors. I’m not saying that our parents have had massive part in our development but it isn’t and never will be the only thing. I’m honestly surprised you can’t see that, or refuse to.


I don’t think you read what I put. A child’s critical years that make about 80% of the people they’ll become are fixed very early in life. Love, kindness, empathy, politeness, dexterity, etc etc etc are all critical things you learn before any social influence kicks in. What pisses me off is people who think all a child’s education happens at school. By then it’s too late.

I spent a day in a Reception class once second week after they started. You could tell which kids were going to which parents at the end of the day. Smart suited mum, lovely polite kid. Tracky clad mum with a pram and pregnant, the runt who’d been a pain in the arse all day. Who knew.

Evidence or your opinion?

So as you seem so adept at type casting and it seems predicting the future, why not address the things that have “made” tracky preggers Mum and bring them up to smart suited Mum? But you blame Tracky preggers Mums parents which comes right back to where we started and what made them who they are.

You still haven’t given a satisfactory answer other than “parents” which I and others have told you is not always right.

there’s tons of evidence to support that.


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You have a child and you watched them grow up. When was the greatest developmental phase? That bit when they went from utterly helpless to walking, talking, eating etc. Come on dude, keep up.

Hilarious. Can you quote me Eric Erikson’s main theory please?

what type of shit parents cant even wrap thier kids Xmas presents?


do you have kids? that’s just an example.

(40-60 years) Middle-aged person seeks a sense of contributing to the world, through,
for example family and work.

VII. Expressions of Generativity

  1. generativity
  2. confident
  3. productive work
  4. their own person
  5. willingness to invest in the next
  6. achievement goals
  7. willing to risk, explore, produce, take
    charge attitude.

VII. Expressions of Stagnation

  1. stagnation
  2. watching
  3. complaining, blaming
  4. withdraws
  5. obesity
  6. fatalist attitude
  7. dissatisfaction with self, job, life, mate
  8. resentful

Can you fit both of those profiles at different points between 40 and 60?

I’m living that dream right now :laughing:

because I have an 8yo (and i’m nearing 50) I’ve got to take on all sorts of things I’ve no interest in doing, so I can help him along his way. Bought two guitars yesterday because he wants to take lessons, and I had a friend sell them to me for $150. so I’m trying to figure out how to tune them properly and some basic chords so I can understand what he’s talking about.

Hardest part of having an only child is learning to be come a playmate for an 8yo and let him be that age.

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We had twins so avoided that scenario :laughing:.Problem there though is that they need you less during playtime :smiling_face_with_tear:.

We weren’t planning on having kids, both busy with work into our late 30’s. then something changed, and we ran out of time for a second. he has a cousin who is 3mo older in age but they’re totally different kids, go to the same school but don’t socialize much.

Yes I do.

For info his prime theory is that kids personalities continue to develop after the age of 5. So quoting Erik Erikson while arguing that all the development happens pre school is hilarious.

Personal experience forming one’s opinions on life? Who knew?

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The statistic you just mentioned is not in contention.

Batman Facepalm GIF by WE tv

It is according to others.

Anyway I’ll take my leave from here. If people want to put all the blame on poor parenting when there are a host of other factors that affect people then all the power to them.

Whatever the view is we’re in the same old boat of treating symptoms rather than causes.

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Moving aside from the recent discussion, and I know I said I was staying out of here, but just wanted to continuefrom what I was discussing the last time I was here.

Regarding the Oscars non-gendered category - there seemed to be a lot of support for that from posters.

I was just wondering if anyone had changed their minds after this weekends Brit Awards which did the same thing to be more inclusive and resulted in zero female nominees in the Best Artist category this year.

Considering how much vitriol gets written every year about the Awards season whenever black and femalr actors/directors get overlooked can you imagine the outcry if an gender neutral Academy Awards Best Actor nominee list ended up with the not unlikely outcome of an all white male list of nominees?

And this is the point that I was trying to make - that the well intentioned change for inclusivity can easily end up with those you are trying to include to only be further under represented.

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As the majority of civilisation (currently) is whatever and however “modern audiences” define me ie a woman fancying man, there will always be a leading man and a leading lady in a film that’s centred on relationships. I’m not giving examples, be here all day. So categorising awards based on something at odds with the bulk of society will never end well.

White male led films tend to make the most money. (I’ll be honest, I haven’t googled the figures but I’d be very surprised if this is wrong) Given money talks, if you lump everybody into the same category, mr popular is always going to win. Yes there are exceptions and in the “modern world” this might be changing. The whole Hollywood MSHEU project of the last few years has caused more harm than good. Can we just go back to how it was and write new stories about the way things are?

An LGBT category could be as divisive as anything. Does the actor have to belong to that group? Or portray a role in a film of that subject? Should each group have their own award?

That’s the beauty of the Male and Female award. Most people agree with it. Might alienate some but how do we tackle that issue?

Homogenising everybody is a bad idea as we’re all different and we have massively important differences.

With regards to bafta/oscar awards, why not just have best, second best and third best awards for all categories. No need for classifications/categories - just rate the performances.

Seems almost too easy - there must be something I’m missing.

They should have just one Universal Everything And Anything Award for the night. Takes all of 5 minutes and pleases everyone