Racism and all the bad -isms

Can’t say I’ve ever seen that level of twattery. But then I don’t really do twitter.

Probably just as well. The last few days have been fucking hideous with one thing and another.


What is scary to me is not that these things are happening but that they are people out there who seriously want to get people into trouble, who wants people to lose their livelihood if they are not seen to be conforming to their opinions and the scarier thing is that when there are enough of such people, there are people out there whose lives were destroyed.


Alternatively, we could keep calling it by a second world war era name that mischaracterizes where the virus if found and how humans might come into contact with it, which confuses public health messaging about how to protect yourself from it, and exposes an animal population to unnecessary risk of unsanctioned or scientifically unsupported culls that damage an ecosystem and do nothing to prevent the spread in humans.

This is not being done to stop monkeys from getting offended, or anyone being offended on behalf of monkeys. It is being done because its good practice and is simply following the WHO standard for naming diseases.


Its correct medical name is Varicella, named after the virus that causes it

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Then there’s this. I’m sensing real progress.

They’re very good friends, Woods often thinks of him as a younger brother.
Obviously pre meditated, unless the USPGA have started installing tampon machines on each tee.

It’s a 100% set in stone fact that men drive a golf ball further than women.
It’s not a slight against women, it’s just a genetic fact.

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Be Quiet Cut It Out GIF

Handed out 2 virtual tampons to my playing partners this morning


Kinda reminds me of this.


This is the guy held up in certain circles as thought leader, a philosophical loadstar. The guy is unintentionally hilarious

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For pity’s sake, will no-one think of the middle aged white guys.

Have these so called trans people not considered that people like Jordan Peterson won’t know whether or not to hold a door open for them?

Always hold a door open no matter the gender. It’s just basic manners. :nerd_face:


And I’ve had a person go nuts at me for doing exactly this.

You misunderstood, it was not holding the door open but the person who did it … :partying_face: :sunglasses:


I was slapped precisely for doing that. I don’t know what I did wrong when I insisted on holding her toilet door open


Precisely the reason why I only make the gesture for elderly, infirm or disabled people now.
Able bodied people can fuck off

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Does this really happen, people going nuts when you hold the door open? Never experienced that in my life. Amazing. But then some people find a way to go nuts over everything or are just nuts in general.