Racism and all the bad -isms

You know, to the degree that “wokism” is about treating people with respect I can get on board with that, but I cannot abide by the extension of that woke left agenda - cancel culture.

Desantis’ response was to just call the person who posted this a liar and was never made to engage on the issue again. It is happening. It is being documented. But DeSantis stands up on his podium pretends it isnt. Pretends the consequences of his absurd laws are fabrications from a politically biased media, and they all just nod along in effect raising up his fascist grift.

Go to your room, clean it and don’t come out until you’ve read ALL of his books!

Sorry, I had a carbohydrate today and am being actively poisoned. It’s part of the anti male agenda

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Mrs once went into a union meeting. All the members were female. She said “Good morning ladies” One of them launched an official complaint because she considered herself to be a woman, not a lady.

You see why I have the opinions I have….

It’s amazing. I’ve literally never had that sort of experience in my entire life. I wonder what explains that difference?

Mad left leaning union nutters?

Or one person trying to be offended on behalf of the world.
If it was at a Tory party convention would you say “mad right wing nutters?”

I’m aware of a few complaints of that nature in the past, but only after a lot a polite requests have been belligerently ignored.

Ive been holding doors open for the next person for thirty odd years and I’ve never had anyone lose their shit at me for it.

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Me neither.

Even so, that’s their problem. I would laugh it off and it wouldn’t discourage me from doing it in the future.

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I remember crossing an old lady across the road once holding her arm as we ‘zig-zagged’ through lanes of rush hour traffic… when we got to the other side she went berserk at me, lashing out and even swinging her walking stick at my head…!
Apparently, she hadn’t wanted to cross the road and was just standing at the pavements edge…!
Hey how was I to know :0))

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Sounds more likely to be the reason

You missed the word “Union” there.

Very rarely encountered very right wing trade unionists. Met a few, but the need to stay true to their stance made strong union activism difficult for them.

Not a generalisation though


Well worth a watch given what happened in Liverpool


Things just keep getting weirder.

It’s a strange sort of question though. “Is it OK to be white”?
To me that is just a divisive question. Of course it’s OK to be any colour. If it weren’t what could anybody do to change their colour?



Of course. It’s a wind up question, but by now we should all be savvy enough to not take the bait. He’s rich, so I don’t feel bad that he’s thrown his living away. Just another aging white guy who lost his mind and took the bait. Dumbass.

Its one of the problems with poling as it wont capture different understandings of a question.

If you had been asleep for the last 10 years you might see that question and think it’s an absurd question to ask and that the only response is to answer yes.

If you have paid even the tiniest bit of attention to the discourse over race during that period though you understand the phrase is incredibly loaded. Something so obviously correct only has traction as a thing people feel compelled to say because a purposeful attempt to mischaracterize the demands being made of people fighting for social justice. Just like black lives matter doesnt mean that white lives dont matter, making the “all lives matter” counter claim to be disingenuous or even inflammatory, responding to discussions about CRT and the need for diverse representation in public spaces etc by saying “it’s not a bad thing to be white” comes from the same place. It is a defense against an argument no one is making to distract from the legitimacy of the actual arguments being made.

This is why a vast majority would have responded negatively to the questions, because of the dishonesty of its existence of an idea in current discourse rather than because of a believe there is anything wrong with being white. People like Mr Dilbert have spent the last ten years or so contributing to this dishonesty and then pretending to not understand when called on it and diving deeper into their grievances.

This story just keeps getting worse. Peppermint Patty has now accused Dilbert of fondling her repeatedly near the office water cooler. She’s hired Gloria Allred to represent her.