Whereas you have been a much more successful AI contributor. Barely even a swear word and even one or two interesting posts along the way
I think twitter tried to do it and within a few hours the bot was quoting Hitler.
Down with
Is this just plain sexism?
Haven’t read the article as I’ve never been much of a fan (the phantom menace and the first pirate movie aside). I hadn’t realised she was still making films but she has quite a list on IMDB
I’m not a fan either. Was she in the phantom menace? I just find her wooden - don’t think I’ve ever seen what I might call a decent performance from her (disclaimer: I haven’t seen bend it like beckham).
yes, she played Pademi, the queen’s double.
She should go to the police, somebody stole her tits.
Again, there is a long history of male directors in Hollywood using sex scenes in an exploitative way. She’s butchering the point, but I can see where she is coming from.
There are plenty of sex scenes in films that serve no purpose than use the female actor’s tits as a marketing tool, and that tends to be driven by men. I understand her wanting no part of that.
Made me smile
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
The worm is well into eating itself… Paul Dacre deemed too right wing for the Daily Mail… Going to be the boss of Offcom who is meant to regulate broadcasting… During his tenure at the Daily Mail there are lots and lots of reports of open racism in the office and an anti-black/immigrent stance.
This bit is interesting on the thread “What a coincidence he’s also George Osborne’s recent boss and employer of Michael Gove’s wife”…
Someone married Michael Gove??
Someone clearly had a Pob fetish.
something a bit on the nose about changing the law regarding social media content, to protect footballers
its a just cause, but, why wasn’t this an issue when it was kids being harassed?
This is probably the catalyst needed to finally do something about the abuse.
Can you imagine if social media sites and others actually did something about people dishing out abuse?
Some people just shouldn`t be allowed on the internet or to interact with others(probably a bit ott but you know what I mean) until they can learn to behave like normal human beings.
Alright alright, I’ll leave then…