Racism and all the bad -isms

Yeah, bit later for me but the undercurrent of normalised racism was wide-spread. Was more calling every vaguely Indian looking person a paki but same idea. Thankfully no-longer common. Except round where I live now which is full of racist cunts.

Do you live near to Everton’s ground then?


How dare you get in the way of a good whinge about cancel culture???

You’re not even allowed to stage a mock lynching of a blackface doll these days with the lefty, virtue signalling woke warriors cancelling you.

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I don’t know how you can write that while defending a pubs rights to display racist iconography.

You must have missed the bit where we opened the door to “is it really racist though?”

Frustrated Head GIF

I don’t think the doll was meant to be racist when it was created. Unfortunately racist people have used the term golliwog as a racial slur. So the doll is now associated with racism. Growing up, golliwog dolls never made me think of black people as inferior, nor did it make me scared of black people.


You really are a yoghurt knitter sometimes.

remember this beauty from Disney? the world is evolving, for the better when it comes to racial equality in open society.

not so much when it comes to economic suppression and control though.

Won’t let me view it.

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They never made me think of black people full stop. They were just a brightly dressed rag-doll. They were actually based on blackface minstrels which is a whole other can of worms.

I’m not sure if Florence Upton who came up with the character made the connection although I believe that it had become a racial slur within her lifetime.

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let’s not forget out favorite Prime Minister who has somehow avoided taking the flak for this one

Absolutely, when you’re a kid colour doesn’t come into it.


In the past I worked for a few years alongside a guy from Salford, and he had a phrase he would always use whenever it was coming time to eat… Could be break, lunchtime, or even if we worked late on the site beyond tea-time, he would always, always say to me or the other guys…
“I am that hungry, I could eat an Arabs underpants…”
Been wondering in this day and age, whether he would be classed as a racist for saying such a thing… He not with us anymore, so I suppose he has escaped any grief that would have come his way eh :0)

Maybe because Arab’s don’t use underpants it’s fine. They don’t do they?

I have no idea…! Ask Fraudiola :0)

you cancelled him?