Racism and all the bad -isms

Again not talking about the publicans.

I was just talking about the dolls.

Correct generally, but not in my conversation with Mascot. I said they weren’t racist to begin with but racist people had appropiated them and the name. He said they were racist 100% and used slavery as a comparision.

That doesn’t mean I have to agree with him over the ORIGINAL intention of the dolls. Especially, if, as I understand it, he’s a middle aged white guy.

Another debate is whether racists, bigots etc should be allowed to appropiate things which were never intended for that use or should society push back.

In a week I will be a fortnight in Harrogate golfing with the missus, in Ireland with the boy in 6 weeks.

I am paying € 7 (£6.10) for a pint of lager and €7,50 (£6.54) a pint of Guinness in my local here in The Hague. How bad is it over there?

I pay £3.20 for a decent pint of real ale at my local. I don’t drink that lager stuff so not sure about that.

I recently paid £6 for the same pint in London though.

Btw the ale is Black Sheep to stay on topic

@Dutch Black Sheep comes from a brewery not far from Harrogate. Give it a try.

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Yes capital city prices if I’m not mistaken you would pay €9 (£7,85) for a pint of lager. Good that I never have to go there anymore … :joy:

I think I have, it’s a Bitter isn’t it? Never understood the difference between Ale and Bitter. :sunglasses:

Careful!! Beer called Black sheep in the racisim thread.

Depends on where you are in Ireland.Dublin city would cost between 6 - 8 euro,my local(4k from city centre) it’s less than 6 euro.Outside of Dublin you’ll find it could cost less than 5 euro some places.
Really depends on where you go

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I was in the Lake District recently and it’s quite expensive there. I normally drink cask bitter but I saw one pub charging £6.20 for a pint of San Miguel and £6.80 for a pint of Porretti. I was paying around £5.50 for cask bitter. I would imagine prices in Harrogate to be similar, I pay nowhere near that for a pint in Liverpool.

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Wetherspoons, £1.89 for Ruddles bitter.

But it’s Wetherspoons.


I know, but it’s £1.89!

The character and resulting toys are inseparable from the prevailing racism of the early 20th century. Regardless of what Upton consciously intended, it’s existence is a representation of the racists way black people were viewed and treated. There really isn’t a defensible argument to the contrary. The name came to be used as a racist epithet because the character itself was already a racist caricature.

He isnt impugning anyone for having owned or gifted one though. His central argument in these issues is always based on the idea that society internalizes and normalizes racist ideas and totems in multitudes of ways such that people innocently engage with and adopt them. The issue we then all face is how do you react when one of these things are raised.

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We are staying in the Moyvalley Hotel and Golf Resort it’s about 45 minutes East of Dublin. A few pubs around but I guess that these geezers a tired after a round of golf and stay in the hotel bar which is always expensive.:joy:

Try Old Peculiar…hubby says its sleeping nectar…

Harrogate is not more expensive than Liverpool is. You just had me worried a bit … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Categorically disagree. What if you’re distressed by people being polite to you? By the words please and thank-you? If we go down the road of everybody acting to please one person, we’re dead. The world shouldn’t and won’t change to suit you. If you can’t cope with it, tough.

Indeed. If I were I’d be impugning myself, as I am sure I can remember my mum getting me Gollywog toys from Robertson’s Marmalade back when I was a really small kid.

Yep, and it’s worth remembering that the idea that ‘nobody was bothered back in the day’ is precisely because the people who profoundly were bothered, didn’t have the agency to speak out about it and express how bothered they were.

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One of your famous ‘what if…’ logical nonsequiters.

How about you stay on the subject being discussed, rather than attempting to move the debate onto one of you invented fantasy hypotheticals.

That’s why they put them in the middle of nowhere

How about you stop distracting and answer the question? It’s not tricky.

Are examples so difficult to understand?