Racism and all the bad -isms

Sunny Warrington :slight_smile:

No we can’t do experiments, we can’t have examples as per your previous.

Infact, I’m deeply offended by your offer to do experiments. I want it retracted and an apology.

Get my point?

Right in between Liverpool and Manchester and roughly the same about of people living there as in Harrogate.

I let you know if you have to move because of the price of beer. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

As you are someone who has previously suggested pitting our children against each other in a behaviour contest, I simply don’t believe you.

My offence is not dependant on your belief. You’ve just undermined your argument.

You’ve just reported a post that offended you because the lad said you think gays are weird.

However, I’ve just had a word with him and he said it wasn’t meant to be offensive and that wasn’t his intent, so I presume you are alright with that and we can move on?

Yes. And its a fucking stupid one - reductio ad absurdum fallacy

We’re not talking about someone taking offense at someone saying hello. We’re talking about dolls that were created as a racist caricature of a long standing slavery era racist caricature that was very familiar to the people of its time


Any Al Jolson fans on here?…….Just asking.

No, but my mammy is.

Drums Eye Roll GIF

No we’re not and it’s not like you to get this wrong. @Mascot ’s point was that if somebody is offended, it’s the offender’s fault. I’m point out that that is (as you correctly state) absurd.

In the context of something that is clearly racist.

Nope and nope. As I said just cos you use words like ‘that’s a fact’ ‘it’s absolutely the argument’ doesn’t make it so.

Thanks for telling me we can leave it now.

So let’s keep the discussion around the subject matter, instead of your random hypotheticals. No one has ever been offended by someone being polite to them, so it’s a stupid contribution to the argument. Like like when you went off on one about a hypothetical person with a spider tattoo and someone with arachnophobia.

A pub in Essex decides to display some Gollywogs. Someone enters the pub, see’s them and says that they are offensive. The pub owners says they are not intended to be offensive, so they will be leaving them on display.

Is the pub justified?

This comment is not specific to the case in point. Who gets to decide what’s offensive?

By the way, if someone had told me ten years ago in 2023 I’d be engaged in an argument with people about whether Gollywogs are racist, I’d have thought they were nuts.

Can I point the honourable gentleman to the title of the fucking thread?

Exactly the same argument (as I detailed above) for hunting pictures and trophies. Slippery slope.

Fuck it. I’m off the bed. Today has been a good day, even if KS seems intent of bloody jinxing it.

Sweet dreams gorgeous :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

A racism made in a forest without anyone there to be offended by it is still racist.

I am not required to be personally offended, to suffer any sort of psychic damage, or to feel like my safety is at risk, be it emotional or physical, to call out a racism for what it is.

Framing it around “offense” simply allows people who like to dabble in racism to pretend the issue is one of the person observing the racism. That is them just having to have a stiffer upper lip. It is far closer to an excuse structure than an actual defense or argument.

Another logical fallacy.

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