Racism and all the bad -isms

However not the case in Britain. I’m glad things feel more progressive amongst our Irish friends.



Unsurprisingly, yet another of your stereotypes is emerging.

“Most women” are not interested in car mechanics, and many other things, in large part due to society’s stereotyping of such things as “male” things. Doesn’t matter that there is probably very little intrinsic to being a woman or a man with mechanics, some precious little egos need to be assuaged that some things are a “male” domain.


Oddly enough, the same people who tend to make such comments about “PC nonsense” also tend to be the one to either outright deliberately racially abuse me, or be subconsciously/unconsciously racist. Usually combined with a “you could say what you thought in the old days”.

Harbouring racist attitudes is very different from being unapologetically racist. If someone was said something to me that they were unaware was a racial stereotype, and was apologetic about it, I’d see no issue with it. As has been noted umpteen times all over these forums and elsewhere, for someone who grew up in more racist times, it can be quite hard to shake those decades of habit. It’s those who do that, double down, and say I’m just being “woke”/“politically correct”/“overly sensitive” that I have neither the time nor sympathy for.

It’s funny though how many people who would unironically use “I’m just saying it like it is” as their defence take object to my describing the world as it is.


In any case, that assertion was also wrong. Stereotypes are often not actually true, they’re just perceived to be true.

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Being from Liverpool, I’m used to stereotyping.

I’ve been on exactly as many far left training courses as I need to.

First paragraph, last article:

The publication of a landmark report by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities and its suggestion that Britain is not institutionally racist have been greeted with widespread disdain.

While chair Tony Sewell said there was anecdotal evidence of racism, he denied there was any proof that it was structural, saying there was data to show some ethnic minorities were doing well in the jobs market and in education.

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Must be more to life?

Let’s have a go at this then. Name a few well known stereotypes which are wrong.

At no point have I suggested anyone is being woke or over sensitive regarding racism.

I am sometines accused of being over sensitive if I get annoyed by terms that stigmatise people with mental illness, or intellectual disabilities.

My experiences differ than yours, and I don’t know you.
So I cannot define you through short posts on a forum.
Similarly you cannot define someone who uses the term PC nonsense. I doubt very much that the expression is indicative of racist leanings in most instances.

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Italian car maufacturers only make great cars. To counter that stereotype, I put forward Fiat

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Fix it again tomorrow?

On a quiet night you can still hear a fiat rot?

I’ll also throw in Loads Of Trouble Usually Serious.

:rofl: Never heard that one before

My old boss had an Esprit. It was beyond entertaining to keep it running. Gorgeous car, nicest design ever IMHO.

I was going to use an example of a female friend of mine that likes stuff to dispell that myth in the full on “klopptimist style” for the sake of it but I’ll let it rest.

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A textbook example of why representation matters.


It’s got absolutely fuck all to do with being left or right, as well you know.

It’s about accepting maybe you don’t know everything about the world. About looking beyond the end of your own fucking nose. Something you seem to find difficult.

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…which was largely derided by anyone with any relevant experience as transparent bollocks.

That report was the Governments equivalent of doing a PGMOL. We’ve investigated ourselves, and we’ve concluded we’re doing fine.

There’s two fucks you give, you can keep them.