Racism and all the bad -isms

Self ID obviously has potential loopholes, at least in Scotland.

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How far do they go while in prision.Is this a case where some men say they are trans so they don’t have to do their time in male prision?

Was in the news recently

There are certainly going to be predators that take advantage of loopholes. It tars those that are innocent with the same brush, which is a shame, but safeguards have to be in place.

When it comes to competing in sport, I 100% agree with that decision.

My gut says the sporting side is a bit easier to deal with as things can be “organised” to give people an area to compete in. All provided of course that you can prove performance advantages / disadvantages. But then you get the question of where do you start and stop with creating boxes for people to fit into?

Outside in the real world is a whole different ball game down to all the reasons and more mentioned here already.

If I was in Barlinnie, I would put on a dress and say call me Beryl too.

Clarification - labelled as a male at birth. The safe middle ground for people who really want to be fair appears to have formed around the idea that biological sex is binary, but gender is a social construct and so can be anything the person wants it to be. But even that misses the biological complexity underlying what these people are experiencing.

Biological sex is commonly treated is binary because we have a rule of thumb most of us learned in school that explains what causes us to label a person as one or the other. However, we known for a long time there are exceptions to this where the biological pieces dont line up the way they should in a truly binary situation, but we just ignored the implications of it. Science is increasingly understanding the various ways someone can fall outside of the binary and people living as trans are doing so as an attempt to reconcile that as best suits them.

This isnt just about people fancying a change, or imaging themselves as something we can tell them with a straight face that they are not.


No, it’s learned from birth. Females get pregnant and have kids, men do the other role. It’s ingrained into the fabric of humanity. As old as our species. You are male or female at birth aside from a VERY small percentage with birth defects.

We have a female on our cricket team today. She came into our dressing room to get changed. I politely asked if she’d like us to leave if she wanted to change. She said no, went to the ladies toilets and got changed. Now imagine any of us have a daughter (teenager) who’s on a girls team and a man walks in. Drops his gear and gets changed in full view and watches all the others. That’s wrong on every level but apparently discriminatory? Nonsense.

This thing is true other than the times when it isn’t.

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Completely aside from the sporting angle this is a completely made up situation. Trans people will want to use public facilities discreetly. What you have described is the local pervert exposing themselves.

Reverse this one. If you have a trans man using male changing facilities do you think that they are going to behave like this?

I think what you mean is “assigned at conception.” The fact of being biologically male or female isn’t something that is learned. However, one’s feelings about one’s biological assignment might also be predestined at conception.

It’s darkly, horrifically hilarious that people genuinely believe that male sexual predators are waiting until they are allowed in female facilities before going off doing their raping.

Wake the fuck up people. There is a massive problem in society with male sexual violence. Let’s not attack trans women for a problem that is absolutely not of their making.

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He won’t listen. He won’t learn. You are wasting your time.

I’m not talking about the individual, I was responding to @Limiescouse who said kids are taught this at school. They’re taught from birth.

I said we are taught the very basic biology of what we say makes someone male or female. This is what the “it’s nature. its fact” people lean on. Which is hysterical, because we dont limit society to only the things that can be explained by the same C grade GCSE understanding of maths.

Let’s take the argument to it’s logical conclusion. We decide that trans women can’t use female facilities.

How the fuck do we even start to police this? How do we distinguish the trans women from the women who just look a bit ‘manly’. Who is going to go up to some and check they are a ‘real’ women.

“Excuse me. You look a bit like a man. Before you use these toilets can I just check you don’t have a dick”

We’ll end up with the situation in that video video from a few weeks ago where the women in America was being dragged out of the female toilets by police. Just wasn’t even Trans. She just looked a bit masculine.

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I think the problem is that lads like @klopptimust cannot process the idea that a trans women isn’t just a man in a dress. He starts from his own lack of imagination, empathy and experience, and doesn’t get much further than that.

Love a third person discussion. He has a name, do try to use it.

I also love the idea that a trans woman, with all the stigma and judgement and potential for assault that goes with that process, is going to go into female changies and start waving their cock and balls in other women’s faces.

Do keep going @Klopptimist. This is amazing stuff. :joy: :joy:

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Aha! You accept there is a third person. So perhaps all is not binary with you? :wink:

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Go back half a century and you’ll find people resorting to ‘it’s a biological fact’ argument to justify homophobia.

Men should fancy women and women should fancy men. It’s a biological fact! Political correctness gone mad. Let’s pass a massive electrical current across their temporal lobes and see if that sorts it.

Biological fact has always been a particularly poor argument in cases like this. It’s always used to try and give a respectable front to bigotry.