Racism and all the bad -isms

They are not.
Gender is assigned at birth.
But there is an argument that gender is purely a social construct.
Like race.

There are factors that we cannot influence.
But there are factors which may be influenced by the individual.

I think the notion of trans women raping people in ladies toilets is the most puerile and vicious argument that can be made.
Is there a chance that it could happen?
Is there a chance a woman could be raped on a train?
Are there gender specific trains?

If thats all you have, forget it.


Women only carriages? Are they still a thing?

Not in UK, but you do hear about them elsewhere in the world. Women-only passenger car - Wikipedia.

Surprised that it has been talked about in UK as recently as 2015 by Corbyn

In the gun rights debate, one of the more common arguments from the guns rights side is that criminals dont obey laws, so they’ll get their hands on guns anyway.

I appreciate the danger in linking completely different arguments, but I think it is at least instructive to appreciate that the same political movement that is arguing this about guns is also where the idea comes from that we should legislate trans women out of female public toilets to protect real women from rapists.


I do vaguely recall that. A common thing in Germany is women-only car parks. At least, it is usually a section close to the exits.

In terms of changing rooms, I’m trying to remember the last time I used a single sex changing room. Almost all changing areas I’ve used in Scotland and Germany are unisex. I think the open air swimming pool near us has a single-sex community changing area but the individual booths are for use by everyone.

Wasn’t my point.

Did I say it was.
Its a general point.

My point to you was about your ignorance regarding gender assignment.

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Boy has a cock, a girl hasn’t. Where’s the complication?

Yeah, ignorant as fuck here, glad you point it out to me.

Ah come on.
Thats just fucking stupid, and not worthy of discussion .
I get that everyone has right to argue, to voice opinions
But that is just baiting.

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Basic biology? Yeah, let’s ignore it.

In nature

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Basic biology?

What about basic psychology?

We really are crawling from the dark ages with that comment.

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Good call. Throughout nature we have male and female. Good shout, excellent point well made.

I am that which I consider to be or I am that which I am?

Dark ages? Nah, just facts.

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The “complication” occurs when a person identifies as a different agenda than assigned at birth.

In the dark ages that you inhabit, those people live the unhappiest of lives, because they cannot live in their truth. This inability to be themselves has led to mental health problems, stigma and in some cases suicide.

Does your flippant description of gentalia make your argument robust? I have seen these comments on social media…a boy has X a girl has Y. All from the same sources. Right wing disaffected fucks who scream loud about rapes where none occur. Because trans women, like the majority are not rapists.

The world people who say this inhabit us a very narrow minded one.

Of course there is room for discussion regarding trans women in sport. An uncomfortable discussion that needs to be led with respect and dignity.

Your method of discussing this is transphobic.

Cue the usual smart arse answer, where you pretend to be a higher authority on fucking everything.


Don’t certain animals change sex as necessary?

Plants have both male and female reproductive organs. Where do they fit in?

So yeah, nature is complicated


It is. I’ve already reported him. We’ll see what the other staff say.

Again, I really think you’re stretching credibility to suppose that anyone predisposed to sexually assaulting a women is going to dress in drag and go to female changing rooms to do so.

And if they do, the problem is men, not trans-women.

There are countless ways you totally ignore biology and are happy to improve on it.

If you are ever unlucky enough to get cancer, god forbid, would you accept the treatment to try and overcome it or just let biology do its thing?

Biology can sometimes give people horrible diseases at birth. Maybe we should should let them die? After all, we can’t be arguing with biology, can we.

Biology isn’t the be all and end all. It goes wrong all the time and we are constantly seeking to improve on our biological lot. Pretty much the entire history of the human race has been a long struggle to rise above the confines of our biology.

So much can potentially go wrong when a human being is being created, I’m genuinely surprised any one has the temerity to suggest that biology is an unassailable argument here.