Racism and all the bad -isms

Well exactly that to be honest.

I feel as if I’ve missed something whether I’ve completely missed the point in what Carano has said, is it another Disney screw up or whether Drinker really does have a problem.

I hadn’t been following that closely until it seemed to blow up.

Walt Disney was a suspected Nazi sympathiser and anti-Semite - he met with Nazi filmmakers immediately prior to WW2 - he attended meetings of the American Nazi Party. _ ( If it looks like a (Donald) Duck, then it probably is a duck) Certainly the early Disney films contain questionable depictions of non-whites and Jewish people. - The films Dumbo and Pinocchio immediately spring to mind for their obvious racism. Walt Disney was also a key figure in the anti-communist, anti-Semitic McCarthy Witch hunts of the 1950s. When Disney animators went on strike in 1941, Walt Disney fired them all. He was a fervent and outspoken opponent of organised labour. Family favourite Mr Walt Disney.

There are definitely huge questions hanging over the politics and conduct of Walt Disney - but hey ho we can ignore all of that and focus on remarks made by an actor on social media. Nobody is defending what she said or wrote (much of which is pretty brainless) - but her “crimes” are insignificant when compared to the alleged actions of the founder of that particular company.

Should she really have lost her job for expressing her freedom of speech? For expressing that which she believes to be true? Don’t the consequences here far outweigh her alleged “crime” As Ricky Gervais commented recently - " If you are mildly conservative on Twitter - you are Hitler"

If Disney Corp really wants to bend the knee and signal to the radical left then maybe a good start would be an acknowledgment and explanation of their founders’ actions. Not words, actions.

Pots and Kettles methinks.

If you follow the channels of Drinker, Nerdrotic, Doomcock etc you’ll see they’re big fans of hers. Mainly because she’s a republican who gets a hell of a lot of shit on twitter and won’t back down. She was at the centre of a storm when she wouldn’t put her pro-nouns in her bio (not something I ever knew about or cared about but apparently a big thing otherwise you’re an ist and a phobe)

Friday Night Tights is good fun, all the guys involved are certainly of a single mind on her and what happened. I suspect that Nerdrotic knows fuck all about the Holocaust though.

I suppose I’ve been caught out a bit considering that Drinker is from the UK and Scottish in particular. I did not expect him to align himself in that way. Ultimately my problem for not diving deep enough into it but being brutally honest I’m not sure I have the time or the energy.

And then this morning I see this.

I am honestly ashamed.

Yeah, well, a lot of you guys don’t say anything when you’re indiscriminately having a pop at the English :wink:

They may be “Voice of Wales” but I’m quite sure they don’t speak for the vast majority of people in Wales.

To be fair we actually say a hell of a lot when we are having a pop at the English. :wink:

No, I dont think they do represent a majority in Wales but it is disturbing that they still managed to gain the level of following that they did. I guess I had this false hope that this far right thing was strictly an English thing. It clearly isn’t and to be honest that’s me being ignorant of the fall out from 2016 in particular.

Furthermore their beliefs are really not a huge leap from a fair bit f stuff I’ve seen circulating recently. We’ve seen a fair bit of UKIP and Farage winding things up of late. Noted that the people on that channel were UKIP members.


You’re going to get far right arseholes everywhere,even Wales will have a few nuckle dragging idots and nowhere near the majority,that website has 5000 subscibers but how many are Welsh for one,then you need to look at who they’re interviewing,Hopkins,Robinson and some Canadian/US far right group,none Welsh and hardly in a position to express the views of the average Welsh person.


For the umpteenth time.

Lucasfilm chose not to renew her contract for the third season of The Mandalorian. They viewed her conduct on social media as Bringing the company into disrepute, and decided they would rather not have her as an employee.

She had been warned about her posts and asked to apologise, but refused to back down.

Her posts included delightful thoughts including mocking trans-people (not just refusing to identify her pronoun), comparing being conservative in the US as similar to the Jews experience in Nazi Germany, supporting the ‘stolen election’ nonsense and (most damaging imo) mocking people wearing masks and casting doubt on the seriousness of Coronavirus.

She hasn’t been silenced, lost her freedom of speech, been the victim of a witch-hunt, bullied, victimised or any of the other nonsense been spouted by alt-right snowflakes. She behaved in a manner that put her at odds with her employer and her employer chose not to continue their association. That’s it.

She is still on social media, still has her followers, and is free to pursue her career however she wants. She can say whatever the fuck she wants.

But here is the thing, and this goes for all of us. We all have the freedom to say what we want. We can spout whatever dodgy opinion we like. But there are consequence to our free speech. If we are outside what society seems acceptable, or we are hateful, mean spirited or unpleasant - especially to marginalised groups then we can expect that our opinions might affect how people respond to us, including offers of employment.

None of us, including Gina Carano, has the right to say what we like and be completed insulated from the consequences. By all means say whatever you like, but if people think you’re a cunt and won’t give you work you have no-one to blame but yourself.


I think as a species we need to really start thinking in this manner with everything we do. Eat, switch the light on, go shopping etc. To me, I think we really need to understand the consequences of how we live our lives.


I hadn’t thought of it that way, but yes there is certainly something about our species that has a really hard time accepting consequences of our actions.

It would certainly need a major shift and education. Firstly I think business and industry also needs to start thinking this way.

There are some green shoots of it in various sectors but nowhere near enough I think.

Listened to a few of their videos in a traffic jam earlier. Freedom of speech although won’t be subscribing. They do have a point about BLM being a political party should have no place on the football pitch.

I’d like to think that being to the right does not by definition make one an arsehole.

Comes down to this.

I get pissed / really fucking angry and post some nasty shite on here. Site team call me on it and ask for an apology / deletion as I’m way off line. I have 2 choices. So did she.

I don’t know (for sure) that she was given that option. I suspect that (given her history) she’d have refused to back down. 10 out of 10 for self confidence in one’s opinion, 0 out of 10 for common sense and humility.


A few I would think. I feel there’s a growing tension in Wales at the moment. I don’t think the powder keg of 2016 has finished yet plus I’ve seen more than a few that are very pro UK or worse making Wales a part of England. There’s been lot of movement on abolishing the Senedd due to some weird perception that Wales has performed worse than England with regard to Covid etc. The likes of UKIP and Farage appear to have jumped on this, whipping it up further.

On the other side there is also a growing movement for independence. Brexit, along with realising what that exactly means and again arguments pushing that the Senedd is weak.

I get the feeling they’ve given up on Scotland, perhaps N Ireland as well and fancy creating havoc here instead.

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Unfortunately, that did not apply to the racist, anti-semite, anti-union, anti-socialist, Mr Walt Disney. What exactly were the consequences of his actions?

It is hypocrisy of the highest order.

Stick the Lion King on again eh?.

You’re all right- we know you.

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I wasn’t insinuating that your normal level headed person who has right wing views was an arsehole,but if you wanna go as far right as Robinson or your Hopkins types and hold a similar view to them,then yeah,to me they are arseholes.


Walt disney died in 1966, so I don’t see how it is hypocrisy. Had he been around now, I’m sure that he would have been called out by the same people who have been critical of Carano.


A disturbance in the force I sense. As the forum’s resident Disney fan, think on this I shall.

And yes, I know.