Racism and all the bad -isms

I demand that his body be exhumed so that we can tell him he was an arsehole.


Actually, can you prove any of those accusations that have any relevance please? I’m anti union and anti socialist, so?

Walt Disney created one of the most incredible businesses on earth. You’ve created what exactly?

Magic Thighs, I don’t think you can demand that. Crossing genres here at a solid 42mph.

was he cryogenically frozen?

No, apparently there’s a grave in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, California. I checked to make sure incase he had been cremated and my exhumation of the body line didn’t work. This assumption, however, was shown to be false because upon double-checking your remark about being cryogenically frozen, I found an article which said he had in fact been cremated after all. So my exhumation comment was bollocks. Pah!

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Anyone who is anti union or anti socialist ought to be condemned, cancelled, fired from their jobs, and shot. Not necessarily in that order. It is what it is. Get back in line :slight_smile:

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I wasn’t born in the shadow of Anfield either. Should I just leap off Beachy Head and pray to be re-incarnated as a card carrying Marxist?

Quite right

And the Disney company have been completely transparent about his glorious past and apologised unreservedly for his actions and the racism /anti Semitism he depicted on screen.

The same people who call out Carano are either unaware of the history of Disney, or are aware and choose to ignore it. Ignorant or hypocritical - neither is a good look.

And am I to take it from these comments that we are no longer to hold historical figures to account for their actions?

On top of being an anti unionist and anti socialist? I don’t know how to tell you this mate but it’s pretty much game over for you. I really hope you’ve managed to keep any views you may have about Brexit to yourself…

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Problem with the Senedd is,it’s only there to keep us quiet and make it look like we are incharge of our own country,yeah we can sort out buying paper clips and office supplies,putting up signs,getting bins emptied on time and general local council stuff but we are still under the control of Westminster on the biggest issues.

Perfect example is the furlough scheme last October when it finished,Wales came out of the covid firebreak a week before England,Drakeford begged Sunak and Johnson to extend it for the week to cover Welsh business’s and peoples job’s and they flat out refused,which led to people losing jobs and business’s going bust.

Wales had no power to deal with that issue,what takes the piss is that the furlough is paid for by the treasury,which is paid for by Welsh taxes aswell,they had no right to withold funds,funny how a week later when England needed to extend the furlough scheme again,it went through sweet as a nut.

Untill 100% Independence is gained,the Senedd and Wales will always play second fiddle to the powers of Westminster,we always have cultuarlly (Parliment still class Welsh as a foreign language,even though it’s one of the original languages of this Island) and financially.I personally don’t see it for a long time yet,i think Scotland would need to go first.


I haven’t said anything about not taking Walt Disney to account, nor do I see how that is implied from what I wrote.

[quote=“Klopptimist, post:337, topic:1336”]
My apologies you are completely correct - I was referring to the comments that followed yours.

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He’s been dead nigh on sixty years. What do you propose we do? Dig him up and give him a piece of our mind?


Dig him up? Now don’t you feel silly huh? Everyone knows he was cremated… :joy:


Fair point

But then shouldn’t the same reasoning be applied to Edward Colston, Cecil Rhodes, General Lee etc etc That they are dead? Not sure that will fly.

Or is it different rules when you draw furry animal cartoons?

No he wasn’t,everyone knows Walt Disney was frozen in a cryonic chamber containing liquid nitrogen,so he could be revived at a later date.lol 8P


Still waiting @BigJon

9 times, quite the record.

Just wait until BigJon finds out about Roald Dahl. :grimacing:

When I heard about some of his views that he had during his lifetime I confiscated all of my children’s favourite Roald Dahl books. They were extremely upset as they absolutely loved his stories but sometimes you’ve just got to take a stand.

Oh, and don’t get me started on David Walliams.

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It does.

Word count.