Racism and all the bad -isms

This was absolutely where the issues with the final film came from - focus groups telling them why they disliked the previous one, that they then took all the wrong lessons from.

“Ah, fans didnt like what we did with the established characters. I guess the only thing left to do is bring back the Emperor. I know he’s technically dead, but we’ll figure it out”


The Problem JJ had with the final film was the absolute cluster fuck of the one before.

And the space horses. And space ships being unable to go up without an external signal. And and and and and and.

I know! Somehow Palpatine survived. Does that work?

It’ll do. Print it.

I have a philosophy with writing that says when you’re stuck just write anything. Invariably even the stuff you like at the time will get reworked in some fashion, and it is far easier to edit something than write it from scratch. So even if you know the words are shit, just get it done so you can move on to the next idea and deal with improving it later.

That whole scene reads like someone did that with the script but forgot to go back to rework that scene.

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Schitts Creek Darkness GIF by CBC

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Sorry couldn’t help it

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Student blames Affirmative Action for his failure to be accepted into the elite CA university. Racist news organization reports on claims as if they are credible, despite AA not being legal in CA since the 90s.


Since the elimination of racial quotas in admission criteria in CA universities, the % of asian students in the CA state school system, including Berkley, has actually gone up, largely at the expense of black and hispanic students.

Funny timing because the Indicator had an episode on this very issue last week

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This article expresses what I’ve been trying to say about transgender woman using female spaces perfectly.

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Im Out GIF

Great article

It’s a fair point to make, that the amount of men who are trying to take advantage is statistically insignificant, but bathrooms and changing rooms seems to be all that we hear about when the trans issue is covered in the media.

She comes out of the blocks swinging, and lists many more significant issues that women are dealing with, still, in this day and age.


Wonder if the parents of the girl identifying as a cat have got her booked in to be microchipped?

I wonder how big her litter tray is? :thinking:

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There’s a book about a walrus she might like.

“ A Church of England school teacher told a pupil she was “despicable” after she refused to accept that her classmate identifies as a cat”

In fairness we can all identify as what we want. What you can’t do is expect (and in Canada’s case legally enforce) other people to take you seriously.

Daily Telegraph, you say?

No Thank You GIF by Kiana Ledé

The fact that in this retelling cat is being contrasted with girl shows just how dumb the conversation has become, and how those “common sense” people just are not listening to what is being said to them.



  1. Is the story being published by a source with an existing aim of spreading culture war nonsense to distract you from what their favoured politicians are doing to society?

If ‘yes’, go to 5.
If ‘no’, go to number 2

  1. Is the story even true? Can you find another reputable source that verifies it?

If ‘no’, go to 5.
If ‘yes’, go to number 3

  1. Is the story an example from the extreme margins of an issue, and is only being presented to denigrate and poison you against a more accepted and mainstream identity group?

If ‘yes’, go to 5
If ‘no’, go to number 4

  1. Is the story an example of an example of a well meaning but ultimately misguided authority figure making a dumb decision to try and avoid offence (and therefore a personal headache) but not actually asking anyone affected what they think?

If ‘yes’, go to 5.
If ‘no’, go back to 1

  1. Ignore it. It’s bullshit.
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I believe the recording is now widely available on the internet, so I think the relative truth of it is easily verifiable.

But, but, The Telegraph also reported it.
So, will she be breaking the law if not microchipped before the cut off date next year?

Of course she isn’t going to be microchipped. She is obviously a young person undergoing some sort of psychological issue.

Regardless of the teacher’s inability to manage this situation (I don’t envy them - They are probably trying to protect the kid from bullying), we don’t get anywhere from dragging the kid into the newspapers to be used as a object of piss-taking. Let her get the help she needs privately.

Also, please question why the Telegraph are putting this nothing story forward, in the context of a wider cultural debate about Trans Rights, and the effect they hope it will have on their readership.