Racism and all the bad -isms

You actually thought I was “seriously” asking if a kid was going to be microchipped?

Do said microchips tell the recipient to come home when asked, buzzed, or whatever?

Of course not, despite asking the question twice. I get you are taking the piss.

But that’s the issue, isn’t it. Why do we think it’s fine to take the piss out of a child suffering from a psychological issue?

And why is the Telegraph picking up a trivial story about a school dispute and trying to make it national news?

Are we really OK with using a mentally distressed child to try and attack trans rights more generally? There isn’t any part of the Telegraph’s reporting that isn’t a really, really shitty thing to do.

I wouldn’t rule out the kid who wants to be a cat as the one taking the piss

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No, me neither (although I think it’s unlikely). But my point stands. It’s got absolutely nothing to do with Trans-rights, which is the inference that the Telegraph is clearly trying to create.

The kid doesn’t need help. This is the sort of play that kids do all the time, just taken to a length most wont, but at the same time isn’t THAT unusual. My schooling, in the rural part of the country in the 80s, was completely divorced from all the these culture issues being discussed today, yet we had numerous kids acting out in similar ways to this. We had one kid who insisted he was a ninja. We had one who only walked like a horse and at times responded to people by neighing. It’s an issue completely disconnect from the trans issue

It’s really hard to draw any kind of conclusions from the articles like this about whether the kid is acting up, going through a natural phase they will grow out of, or genuinely in need of professional psychiatric help. Which goes back to my previous point - we shouldn’t pay attention to bad faith reporting in papers like the Telegraph.

The reporting is nasty on so many levels. Trying to draw some kind of conclusion that transgenderism is part of the same spectrum as kids thinking they are cats is batshit, but also making this kid a magnet for more attention and bullying than she is already subject to, is a grossly irresponsible thing to do.

I could draw a conclusion or two about the telegraph before even reading that article but knowing several others from that source.

Oh god…

This is going to be one long hot summer.

When’s the footie back on?


There seems to be an epidemic of politicians and media personalities stating that there is an epidemic of children identifying as cats with no evidence, and very, very few stories of children actually identifying as cats.

Remember, if Joe Rogan is saying it, it probably isn’t true.

Euro U21s starts tomorrow. Just trying to work through some conflicting information on where it’s being shown here in the US

The important kernel is that kids putting on a persona of being a cat, or any other fanciful thing, is not uncommon or new. Where the myth comes in and is being driven cynically by those looking to degrade trans kids, is the part of the story of schools accommodating that by giving those students cat specific bathroom facilities. This is the bit that has never been demonstrated, but is being used to argue that if you let a girl pretend to be a boy next thing you’ll be forced to accommodate kids who think they are ponies. Every school singled out for having litter boxes responding by explaining they have them as part of their active shooter kit as it gives them a way to go when they’re locked in a room hiding from someone trying to kill them.


America never fails to leave me stunned.

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Didn’t know their police carry Tasers? Thought they just shot people.

Seemed to me that the teacher turned it into a trans issue

As @Arminius already pointed out, the reporting of it is fairly widespread, and I don’t doubt being written along similar lines.
Looking forward to the critique of your favourite approved read.

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I think @Mascot did a more than decent job of summing up that disgrace of a rag above. Quite politely too.

Any news piece that describes Wales as a province / territory deserves being dismantled. Screw the education bit, they know exactly what they’re doing with every article they write.

I wasn’t arguing the case to the Telegraph, but nicely ducked anyway.
More than likely to be reported in your approved rag as well, but let’s give them a pass because of the Telegraph article.

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Not carried in the Guardian at all. The last story on the Cat thing is Joe Rogan apologising for repeating baseless rumours about schools accommodating kids identifying as cats.

The Daily Telegraph have been pushing the culture war agenda for ages, and the reason they are pushing this story is quite transparent. They want you to think that a child cosplaying as a cat is on the same spectrum as trans issues, when it isn’t. And the reason why they want you to be really outraged about trans issues is because they see this silly Culture War stuff as the ticket to the Tories scraping the next election.


…fuck off Sunak, you opportunistic, cowardly little twat.


someone is screaming for attention.