Racism and all the bad -isms

They’re about to release the Cruela film shortly aren’t they. I believe they’ve tried to twist it so Cruela is some kind of anti hero. Don’t take my word for it but honestly why?

So that her corruption can be blamed on a white man probably.

I’m a massive fan of what Disney used to be. Now everything they do is either woke as fuck or just based on previous success. They bought Marvel and Starwars to appeal to young boys and men as historically their demographic was mainly little girls. What did they then do? Cram strong women and weak men into both.

Can’t find a link to Dalmations being cancelled, only theatre productions.

I’ll be the bastard who sings “Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay” all round Splash Mountain once it’s been Frogged. I’d have given Tiana a much prettier home :slight_smile:

OK, we disagree on a lot of things but absolutely agree here.

Too early to say I think but it is a bit sad that they’re basically rehashing old ground (and up to now doing it poorly) rather than actually looking at producing something new.

Now it turns out to be some kind of origin story that leads up to 101 Dalmations then I’m ok with that on the face of it. If it’s trying to redefine the character then I have concerns.

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We’ll see. I actually quite enjoyed Mulan but it was just a film version of an identical cartoon. No point IMHO, Disney are just playing the safest safe game they can.

As with everything that comes out of his mouth, it is a bad faith argument made based on a headline not facts.

He lies about it after literally 3 seconds when he says Coca-Cola employees are forced to take this training. They are not.

And agree with the slide page title “Try to be Less White” or not it very clearly goes on to state the context of that phrase. It’s not a phrase I personally like, it seems divisive for no real reason, but context is applied to it.

Anyone spending their time listening to Ben Shapiro is getting themselves into a horrible cycle or grifters. Best to stay well clear.

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Fortunately this isn’t RAWK where conversation outside of the politics of people who were actually born on the pitch isn’t tolerated. What’s the answer to freedom of speech? More speech. Unless you’d just rather cancel him? Shouldn’t we discuss all opionions rather than those that only agree with our own world view? That kind of insular thinking leads to very dark events.

Have to compensate for listening to Nihal on 5 Live in the afternoons. Good to listen to both sides I find rather than just banning what doesn’t suit me.

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I see he’s interviewed Gina Carano recently. I started watching but there’s something about him that gets right up my nose and he seems to have this thing with the “Cancel Culture” to which my immediate response was what we discussed earlier in this thread. Say what you like but understand the consequences of what you say.

I suspect that would be lost under a tirade of word salad from him to be honest.

“However, we cannot rule out the possibility that, despite Coca-Cola’s clear denials, the existence of a coherent alternative explanation, and despite the complete absence of evidence so far, DiAngelo’s course was in fact listed on the curriculum.”

As there’s no proof either way, you can’t say he’s lying.

There are definitely people like that across the spectrum. I’m with you on Shapiro, I find him totally unlikeable and with a style that comes across as arrogant bluster. He’s a bit like Peter Hitchens (not his brother, who was awesome). It’s the same with James O’Brien and Owen Jones from the perspective of the left. Just really unlikeable twats. Jolyon Maugham and Carol Cadwalladr are also similar - basically leftie conspiracy theorists that uncover elements of wrongdoing but do so in the course of much grandstanding, hysterical and over-exaggerated allegations that are never substantiated and often fully rebutted and shown to be false. Andrew Neil’s ok but you have to be mindful that he approaches things from a centre-right leaning but at least he presents his case and argues with reference to facts.

His interview with Shapiro was epic as Shapiro threw his toys out and cleared off :slight_smile:

I think it’s the arrogant bluster that gets me more than anything. I honestly cant stand that in people, no matter what their political orientation is. Without that I would have listened to hear a different angle on what Carano had to say but I lasted less than 5 minutes with his BS. Shame really as I did want to hear her spin on the whole thing.

Better not to listen to extremists.


That quote clearly states there is no evidence of it being required for Coca Cola employees. Shapiro starts off his video by claiming it was forced on employees. That is a lie.

“However, the evidence presented by Borysenko and others does not prove that Coca-Cola included the presentation in its required diversity training for employees, and the company has explicitly denied that claim.”

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Shapiro is simply a massive, massive prick. His technique is to spit words out at 200mph and then blame his opponent for not being able to keep up. He also repeatedly falls back on arguing about the argument rather than dealing with an issue or a statement. Especially when he’s in difficulty.


All these people copy each other to the extent you essentially have different seasons of talking points. Last season was Antifa and BLM, this season is Cancel Culture. Whatever seems to pick up speed over the next few months will become the next thing they all rally around to help themselves feel victimised.