Racism and all the bad -isms

It’s a start

I get it’s a start but why can’t they do it for longer?

I’m not on any of them and it doesn’t cost me anything.


My main issue with this, is why just 4 days? Make it a week, or 2 weeks to really show the SM platforms that they need to step up to the plate and deal with the issue.

Also, why on a bank holiday weekend, when most people will be out and about enjoying the weather, finally being able to go out and socialise with family and friends - most people probably won’t be paying too much attend to social media


Unfortunately they can’t make it longer than 4 days because on the 5th day all the Premier League clubs plan to announce they’re breaking away to form a Ultra Premier League backed by Saudi Arabia to be played in stadiums made out of migrant workers. As a result they’re expecting the need for some heavy social media engagement.


That’s completely understandable then.4 days it is so.


We’ve already got him. :wink:

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This story is just awful

From the headline it presents a bit like the player in question was just being soft, but that is some terrible shit for an opposition player to do.


From what I read the player who left the game had previously attempted suicide. He was/is obviously vulnerable. For an opposition player to use that against him and try to gain an advantage is beyond the mark. Mental health has been in the news a lot lately and rightfully there are many agencies being advertised for those feeling vulnerable to seek help. The lad in question is the only one who knows how he is feeling. We al, have different breaking points. Some can stand the worst pain and anguish and then break down at the slightest thing.

All I ask is that you don’t judge others by how you are feeling at one particular moment. His today is not your today. His experience is different from yours.
You being “soft” is different from his soft and my soft. We all live different lives. :nerd_face:


8 arrested in an investigation into online racist abuse towards a Spurs player after their loss to Utd in April. Good stuff.


Does anyone know which members of the Spurs’ squad it was?


It was Son. It was reported in the press in the days following the Utd defeat. :nerd_face:

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My crap joke attempting to imply it were members of the Spurs squad doing the abusing was obviously too subtle!


Ah, I get it now I’ve re-read your post. As you say “too subtle” for me. :joy::nerd_face:


Not sure this poll is going how Dawn Butler expected…

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To be honest I think punishment is harsh.

At the time he was obviously just a 17/18 year old kid trying to be funny


Digging up tweets from 10 years ago and making judgment today (some before he was a professional player) does nothing for the game or equality.

Like a Michael Bay movie those tweets have not aged well

But I am just glad I am not judged by the dumb shit I did as a teenager !!


It’s OK, the future’s safe…