Racism and all the bad -isms

That article is literally two bad apples isn’t it?

I thought the A in ACAB stood for all. What is it really?

Do you not see an issue that the co-founder of a movement, that was set up to promote the interests of Black people, chooses to live in an area that is totally unrepresentative of the group she is purportedly helping? And according to their accounts have offered little to no help to victims or black communities. That is what the article is asking. Nearly 50 million dollars in consultancy fees, really?

How the purchase of this property aligns with the core values that she “believes” is beyond me.

“Vallejo for social justice said it was a movement that called itself “abolition in the struggle for liberation, self-determination, solidarity of the poor working class + socialist groups”, and unjustified display of wealth.”

Hoping to see these police officers in court very soon.

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I don’t know, I haven’t watched it yet and I wasn’t there. I wasn’t commenting on the incident, I was disagreeing with ‘ACAB’, because it’s simply not true.

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The story is being reported on numerous sites and there are a number of Youtube videos.

Because you, as you say, do not know anything about her, does not mean the source is unreliable or biased or that the story is untrue - it just means you do not know anything about her. If the story is untrue then refute it with evidence not “whataboutism”

If I had evidence of blatant hypocrisy like this regarding the NRA, Trump. or even Captain bloody Birdseye I would post it here as a warning to deeply consider whether to give said movement material support or money

Just because people reveal uncomfortable truths about left-wing organisations does not make that person Right wing, or a supporter of any of those groups you mention.


I’m not making a comment on the story, which I don’t know much about, but Christ, the source. The very epitome of click bait journalism.

There are multiple outlets that carried this story - Wash Post , NY Times, many provincial online newspapers and multiple Youtube sites - I cited this particular site as it seemed to be the most concise account. To my knowledge I have never come across this site before.

5 minutes on Google will take you to the same story on multiple sites. Perhaps it would be beneficial to compile a list of acceptable sites to quote from?

The source quoted in this instance is irrelevant and should not be used as a deflection from the content of the story - any attempt to do so would be highly disingenuous.

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My view on charities and non profit organizations are this: I have no issue with their founders living anywhere they want, there should not be an issue for them to be rich or well off. But I think its important for their wealth to be accounted for if they are working for charities especially in a key position as the founder. They might have other sources of wealth and to me, living in a white neighbourhood should not be an issue especially the main purpose is to eradicate color discrimination. But from some accounts, it seem that BLM’s accounts are not transparent as it is flowing through a complex web of accounting processes through a number of charities so it might be concerning for people who are donating to the cause but not knowing what they are enriching, the lives of the affected or the lives of the founders. 90Mil is huge money so worth a look into so as not to let the real purpose of BLM be eroded.


When the church are at it (supposed guardians of morality) you know anybody’s capable of it:

Yes everyone has the right to live wherever they choose.

However when you base your political philosophy on anti-capitalism, Marxism, Black social justice and “solidarity with the poor working class” it does seem slightly at odds with buying a 1.4 million dollar property in an ostensibly all white neighbourhood.

But then I am sure that she is fully invested in her comrades eternal struggle against the oppressive capitalist machine.

I disagree. You have to be conscious of why an outlet is publishing what it does. This is outlet that is pretty clearly a foreign aggroproproganda tool designed to stoke tensions. It’s about us section is loaded in typos and spelling errors, the sort my team in India make all the time. In the piece itself it demonstrates that they knew her name is Cullors in the first paragraph and then refer to her as Colors throughout the rest of the piece (they also get Jason Whitlock’s name wrong). That doesn’t mean that what they cover is necessarily wrong, but you have to understand their angle.

There is an interesting angle here about the appropriateness of monetizing the position you’ve gained through your advocacy and what the appropriate way of using that money is. Some on the left are talking about it on social media, but that sure as shit isn’t the angle that the NY Post and this, whatever the hell it is, publication is pushing.

I also look forward to your condemnation of the NRA this week

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Oh FFS this is getting ridiculous.

Ignore the content, ignore the facts, but attack the media outlet that is reporting it. This is straight out of the Trump playbook.

As I have said 3 times already - this story is available on multiple outlets - Google it .I did not post from that outlet because of a particular media companies political philosophy. I just posted the story as it is of interest in the current social discourse. I randomly picked one of the media outlets.

What the hell this has to do with a right wing American gun lobby group is beyond me?

Sorry I did not realise that even the slightest criticism or investigation of BLM was A) Out of bounds and B) Necessitated an investigation of all far right groups by anybody that dares to even slightly question the BLM movement.

I will get right on it. Please provide a list of acceptable media outlets I can quote from.

That’s weak. I criticized this particular outlet for very specific reasons that I specified. Trump simply turned the term fake news on its head and throwed it as a non-specific counter attack to any specific criticism of him as a way of avoiding having to engage on the specific criticism raised. It’s a terribly shit comparison.

Furthermore, I didn’t limit my criticism of the framing of this story to the fact it came from this outlet. Instead, I used criticisms of this outlet to provide context to the collection of outlets that are carrying it, with this specific angle, and what their agendas are.

So, I’ve raised specific objections to the framing of the story and the angle that is being pushed. It’s a strawman to say engaging on the specifics of the story you posted means you cant criticize BLM. Fuck, I even opened the door to criticizing her for monetizing her advocacy.

FWIW, the NRA are currently in court in a high profile case related to one that could see them disbanded over allegations of exactly the sort of misappropriation of funds being insinuated in these Cullors pieces.

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Thats good…

With regard to Cullors - do you not think it is just as bad that many, shall we say sympathetic outlets, did not report the story? Personally I am sick of hearing that somehow a story is invalid because it comes from a Right leaning or alternative media outlet. I read the Times and the Guardian - and other online news outlets. It is important to see both sides of an issue.
The truth is the truth - open to interpretation yes- but this story raises questions far more important than which media outlets run with it. and what their agendas may be.

Unfortunately it feels to me like a case of “The Emperors New Clothes”

I think the issue at point is the BLM leader/founder person buying into a place amongst people that her values appear to be against. The site chosen to highlight that is possibly a poor choice but the story is fact and has been reported elsewhere so the point being made is a valid one and should not be tarred with that particular brush.

I personally think a person can live where they want, when they want and with who they want however when that appears to be at odds with what you assert your values and beliefs to be while the vast majority of the people you claim to represent and fund you cannot then you have to think long and hard about whether that person is genuine or simply making a living out of it. I really do not expect her to live in a slum or on the street out of ‘solidarity’ but this is a little disingenuous especially when the family of victims who the movement has used for marketing or fund raising or however you choose to look at it have received little to no assistance from the movement.

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I have seen reports on YouTube* that she in fact owns 4 other houses - the Californian house was apparently purchased through her corporation.

I was always opposed to Marxism but if it means you can earn this sort of money, where do I sign up?

  • If anyone is interested in this story they can do a YouTube search and easily find it. No way am I posting a link. There are at least 20 videos now reporting this story - as I write, the NY chapter of BLM has called for a thorough investigation.

2nd Edit - One of her properties in Georgia has a private runway and indoor swimming pool.

However she may have made all her money entirely legitimately - who knows?

Mistook her gun for a taser? Really? Almost unbelievable levels of stupidity:


No, no, no; this can’t be stupidity. I don’t think those two things are even kept at similar places.

Yep a blaccident that she will most definitely get away with.

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