Racism and all the bad -isms

It hasn’t. You suggestion was that the players focus on this instead of racism.

Damm it

And which would save more lives?

Im out.

I think you wanted it be met with negativity but it hasn’t been.


I rest my case.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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Why do you hate the environment, Jon?


You know, I’m not even sure I’d say that taking the knee is a campaign.

I consider it more a gesture of solidarity. Players get racially abused, which I’m sure you’d agree is unacceptable, and the players want to show that they are together and United in their condemnation of this.

I don’t think it’s your place to criticise this. If that’s what the players want to do and the way in which they want to cope with awful abuse, then that’s their right.


“United in their condemnation of racism”

Like the Etihad owned Man City team or the Chinese owned Villa or WBA teams ?

The beacons of race relations.

You are right - no one should criticise them - it is the gesture that is the most important thing.

He should be doing more on heart disease.

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I know that there are quite a few German speakers here who would appreciate this excellent Documentary on ZDF. Robbie is a real legend :slight_smile:

For a long time I thought this guy was a bit of an arrogant wanker. Many others have and will feel the same way. Aging seems to have mellowed him - he now makes some very good and logical points, especially about mental health and especially regarding tennis player Naomi Osaka. He obviously has his fellow humans welfare at heart.

If you are in an entrenched position on the subjects raised and if you are unwilling to give any consideration to the points he raises because, well its Russell Brand, - then dont waste your time watching it. If you do have an open mind about him and the topics he raises, then it is well worth a ( 15 min) listen.

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15 minutes listening to Russell Brand? Nah, I’d sooner stick pins in my eyes, thanks. Your original description of him, is the one I’ll go along with.

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He may or may not have a valid point but it would require listening to him to find out and life’s WAY too short.

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I follow Brand on social media since he started doing more about politics etc, he’s actually pretty good, and moved away from his bad boy imagine a few years ago.


He’s not stupid, but he’s still a narcissist.


Yes I agree.

He has redeemed himself as far as I am concerned.5 / 10 years ago I would not have given him the time of day - now he seems to have found his true self.

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However, it’s really important that we don’t let crackpot examples from the very edges of credibility frame our response to more mainstream difficulties with body, and particularly gender, dysmorphia.

You can go on google and find stories about someone claiming to identify as a dog, or a piece of toast or something. But let’s not be under any illusion that the reason these stories are given prominence in the media is precisely because they undermine genuine stories of people who are suffering and in pain.


However I think there are 2 extremes here. One is what you brought up, let’s not undermine the real issues faced by individuals struggling with their identities by focusing on these ‘on the edge examples’. The other extreme is let’s not underestimate the real issues faced by individuals who are abusing these ‘rights’ but yet we are told we should or could not do anything about it, that in the name of respecting some individuals, these examples are collateral damages we have to accept.

My view is somewhere in the middle. If a society or government wants to respect the rights of genuine individual identity issues, then they too have to find a way to weed out these individuals who are abusing it. It cannot be and should not be an either all. There should not be a necessary evil to ensure the rights of some individuals.

I saw the video of the WI Spa incident where a man with his dick hanging out walking into an all female section and when the women complained, the spa claimed that they cannot do anything about it because this person has verbalized his or her identity as female so they have to let this individual in.

This individual has every right to his identity as a female but the other females, including teenagers mind you, have every right to be protected from having people walking around them, all naked with dicks swinging in front of them.


Exactly, WTF! Crank.