Religion in all its Forms

it is Easter after all.

No offence taken and apologies for comparing you to a Chelsea fan. That was far too offensive and I deserved a ban. Didnā€™t mean it :handshake:

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As an extension of an awe and reverence for all of nature it makes sense.

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Peace and respect.

Iā€™m glad I found this thread and we talked it out.

I was an arse with my comment in the match thread, so fair dos, it was called out.

Glad we can now move on!

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Now that all have kissed and made up, letā€™s go back to wallow in the post match thread until this Sunday when we beat Arsenal 7-5.

Gay Love GIF by CsaK

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Come on Popie, say what you really thinkā€¦

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His instruction manual tells him to murder gay people. What do you expect?

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Leviticous 20:13 I think spells this out quite plainly. Unless the OT doesnā€™t count? Odd as JC never rescinded that commandment (or the is it 613 in the OT?) You can frown as much as you want, itā€™s absolutely there in black and white. But weā€™ve been here before havenā€™t we.

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Spanish-speaking defenders of the Pope point out that he sometimes makes mistakes in Italian colloquialisms, and suggest that he did not appreciate the level of offence he might have caused, even though he did grow up in an Italian-speaking household in Argentina.

That explains it thenā€¦

Suarez sends his regards.

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pulled a no-show with his mates Messi and Busquets last Saturdayā€¦ fucking losers.

You are having a go at the twisted version of Christianity you have in your head, and to build your case you are quoting the Hebrew Scriptures. Weā€™ve been here before.

Itā€™s laughable to anyone who knows the difference.

Might as well have a go at Buddhism, quoting the Qurā€™an and patting yourself on the back for the watertight argument. :joy:

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I havenā€™t got a clue what happened, if it was a lost in translation sort of a thing, or a genuinely off color comment with a barb to it. If the Pope fell short of the core Christian maxim, to love God and love your neighbor as yourself, then he needs to course correct.

Besides that, I want to point out that on the football forum you come across as a fella who is determined to be fair, and see both sides. When many reds see issues with systematic cheating in the game, the PGMOL, VAR and all the rest of it, you stand out as one who tries to see the other side in an effort to be fair. Itā€™s laudable.

So Iā€™m just wonderingā€¦

If an 87 year old man, not speaking in his first language, spoke out of turn, wouldnā€™t it be nice if he were afforded the same sort of benefit of the doubt?

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No, Iā€™m quoting directly from The Old Testament. I donā€™t know what flavour of Christianity you follow but having had a strict Catholic upbringing, I can speak for what Catholics believe. Iā€™ve been working in a Catholic school this morning and took a minute to wander round looking at the display boards. One was of Noah and the flood and another was the stories of Moses. Both taught as historical fact. My parents are both Catholic, they believe everything in the Bible. Not just the NT. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some googling that could be done here but Iā€™ll tell you 100% that Catholic primary and secondary schools in England teach both testaments as fact. QED the commandments (all of them) are equally fact. You might not like this and might choose to ignore the nasty bits of the bible, fine. But the book is either true or it isnā€™t. I canā€™t see how you can treat it as a buffet.

Or do you just consider Catholics to be twisted? I donā€™t think Christianity would have spread all over the world (and that was a fun process) to the extent it has were it not for Catholicism. You donā€™t need the history lesson I suspect.

If you just believe the NT to be true, youā€™ll kindly explain Jesus saying he comes not to change a jot nor tittle of the law. The law being the OT.

But back to the point, the head of a church whoā€™s guiding text calls for slaughter merely says some hurtful things rather than causing for genocide (mandated by the bible). Could be worseā€¦ā€¦

Got sent a meme today emphasising cruelty in the Quran quoting specific Surah. So having had enough of not checking I did. To my absolute dismay they were all entirely true! Instructions how to behead non-believers, to take their lands etc. 4 or 5 instructions to kill non-muslims. What the fuck.

And that was just on page one.

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Im shocked, did you know this was true? I always thought it was disinformation and propaganda by the far right.

Itā€™s a good job that Muslims donā€™t take these teachings literally. Just imagine the literal carnage we could have carried out with Mo and Sadio on the pitch.

Sadio was closer to God, never. Some of them evidently do take it seriously you crank :laughing: