Russian War Crimes (Part 1)

The largest sailing yacht in the world, worth 530 million euros, was seized by the Guardia di Finanza in Trieste.
The “SY A” is attributable to the Russian Andrey Igorevich Melnichenko.

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The photo is by Олексій Кириченко, entitled “Young girl with candy”.

:broken_heart: It’s the photographer’s own daughter. He wanted a picture to draw attention to the war.

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A.K.A. Staged?

What exactly would be ‘staged’ about it? Do you somehow think the damage under the casement has not been in fact caused by HE detonation, but just heavy rain and bad maintenance? Or is her holding a gun that has your panties in a twist?


They should send her to ‘negociate’ with Putin!
Btw are you allowed to accuse a state of lying? (has to be said though).

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Not sure I would be brave enough to do this and compromise my email address unless I am misunderstanding how this works…

Wow … that’s gonna make Vlad very unhappy , considering he just snuffed out a potential revolution over there.

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The problem with that is who will replace him, and are they actually likely to be willing to stop this war?

I stopped buying that bullshit about Russians as victims a long time ago. If they had anything about them then they wouldn’t have allowed that tyrant to strip away all their freedoms for the past twenty years. They were happy enough to trade in democracy for a Big Mac , so yeah fuck 'em.


And yet we see the same thing the world over. Trump, Brexit etc. All where masses of the population were / are convinced to agree with things that are against their own interest.


The irony being that Trump and Brexit would probably have never happened without the help of Russia , and social media.

It beats the shit out of me how people could be so fucking stupid to not see through it all.


Maybe not. I just simply don’t understand people to be honest.

I try to have some compassion / understanding for them because there are millions that fall for this time and time again.

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For people to be that susceptible to this nonsense , they have to have those biases in the first place. They are then skilfully exploited but I don’t think we should spend too much time feeling sorry for them.


I came across a now fairly old movie, Sweet Sixteen, and it’s review by Roger Ebert… Though the movie is not at all about war, it describes our fatalistic world where choices are vanishing, and even the ones that are made with the best intentions, lead to the inevitable and predictable outcomes… The Russians cannot escape or peer over the fence that is built around them - can you blame them?

In your opinion.

I can’t comment on Trump but Euroscepticism predates all that by decades.

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True reguarding euroscepticism but was it ever that strong that without Trump and Russia meddling to have happened?

I’ve only lived in London, so can’t speak for the rest of the UK, but the feeling in London has always been that stronger ties with Europe and the EU is a good thing.

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