Russian War Crimes (Part 1)

If anybody or group is willing to take the step of removing him from power, then clearly the only reason they would take that action is they are either against the war or against the sanctions. In both cases they are making the move to ease the situation.

It would be difficult to imagine he would be removed from power for not being monstrous enough.

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Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. :wink:


But often true. Climate change for example. NHS privatisation etc.

Euroscepticism was largely the preserve of a minority within the country , and an even smaller one within the Conservative Party for decades . It wasn’t until the ERG was given wings by Cameron’s decision to hold a referendum that they were able to marshall enough support to actually make Brexit plausible.


Hence your username. :slightly_smiling_face:

Promising a referendum on European Union membership was a vote winner for a reason.

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To guarantee Cameron’s survival amongst the Tory right maybe. I don’t remember too many others thinking it was such a great idea at the time.

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It secured a general election victory.

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Against Jeremy Corbyn. And with a reduced majority.


It did, twice in fact. And yet how many of those that actually voted Conservative would actually agree 100% with that party’s policies then and down the line?

Not many I guarantee you. I’m sure fisherpeople are happy they voted that way now. For example.

Maybe we should take this to a different thread but safe to say that when people still claim Brexit only happened because stupid people were gullible or brainwashed, that there’s been little effort to actually understand it.

Wrong. Against Milliband with an outright majority.

Only a pellet sprayer?
I expect you to tote a gatling minigun. :grin:

We were talking about what happened after Cameron announced the referendum in 2016. The next election was in 2017. May beat Corbyn.

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That’ll stop Putin in his tracks.

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No, we weren’t. We were talking about the manifesto pledge ahead of the 2015 GE.

You might have been , I was talking about the referendum announcement.