UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Sigh. Here’s the conversation:

[A decision made in the run up to the 2015 GE]

[It won the 2015 GE for the Conservatives]

[It being felt that Cameron had to give the Eurosceptic side of the party the offer of a referendum on the EU in the 2015 GE manifesto in order to prevent internal division]

[The 2015 GE when Cameron was up against Milliband]

[This wasn’t Cameron. This was May up against Corbyn in 2017, after the EU referendum had already happened]

[The 2015 GE]

Can’t have been. ERG had already got what they wanted by then; see comment that initiated the exchange “It wasn’t until the ERG was given wings by Cameron’s decision to hold a referendum that they were able to marshall enough support to actually make Brexit plausible”, this can only relate to the run up to the 2015 GE.

Which was pledged in the 2015 GE conservative manifesto. It cannot have secured support after it had already been held - past consideration is no consideration.

“Cameron made that pledge to see off a challenge from the Tory right.” (quite, in the run up to the 2015 GE)

I had left it but given it was revisited I ought to further point out that I never touted the EU referendum result as a “historic landslide”… :man_facepalming:t2: