Russian War Crimes (Part 1)

Bat shit insane. What is worse, some absolute morons will lap it up:

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Will economic sanctions and shutting off Russian gas flow to Europe destabilize Russia? How hard will economic sanctions really hit? People in Russia will probably feel it, but canā€™t see it stopping Putin. Europe will eventually need that gas flow back on i would think. Bulgaria is 100% dependant on Russian gas or close to it i think. Itā€™s nice to get heads of state saying theyā€™ll work on replacing it, but it will have some real crippling effects on poorer eastern Europe countries and will be felt across the globe with rising prices.

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I wonder if this strategy is a win, win for Putin.

War and he destabilises Europe both immediately and in the long term. No war and he gets some sort of concession/advantage. Thereā€™s no down side for Putin and Russia it seems.

For the particularly stupid amongst us to believe. Captured spy tells all on Russian tv. Ukraine also flooding Belarus with spies who will do destablising missions there. I donā€™t evenā€¦

More dumb Russian propaganda that some will actually run with and believe:

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Just arty for now.

Rusia Today Editor gloating:

Russian Army (of course) not leaving Belarus like they promised.

Which probably means that Russia will ā€œcounterā€ the phony Ukrainian make-believe offensive and use it as a pretext to engage with their regulars.

The have brought so many last 2-3 weeks. And several are now ready to go, one is already laid, across the Chernobyl exclusion zone.

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A lot of movement in addition to shelling. The movement is what worries me, as the shelling could theoretically be deescalated. But the movement and final positioning. Sigh, very, very worried.

Diane Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn.

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11 posts were merged into an existing topic: NON Breaking News Stories

A post was merged into an existing topic: NON Breaking News Stories

@ISMF1 all of my posts from the last days are missing I think. Did you delete them all when you merged the thread ?

Both nations want to sell arms. Thats how their economy runs

I have just discovered a bug. All of your posts are in this thread. But what has happened is all the posts from the non breaking news thread were added first, and then the posts from the breaking news thread.

Instead of merging by date (as you would expect) if you scroll to post 125 you have the last post from the non breaking news thread. Sorry itā€™s counter intuitive.

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Fixed, now all the posts should be in the correct order. :wink:


Because the US is pretty much under the control of those companies and their super-rich majority shareholders. All of their elected politicians firm both parties get HUGE chunks of campaign contributions from said firms. At this point denying them is akin to political suicide.

Gotta love democracy donā€™t you

I donā€™t even know what to call it but a free society it certainly isnā€™t. I was there for nearly a year during the pandemic. Thank fuck I got out! Itā€™s approaching a cross between the fictitious works described in The Hunger Games and The Purge. Not kidding. Pretty sure Trump will get elected again. Or someone worse like the Florida governor

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Russia can argue they had some kind of gentlemanā€™s agreement that NATO would not go eastwards. But at the same time, Russia agreed to respect the rights of Ukraine and its boarders in exchange for all the nukes that they had.

A gentlemanā€™s agreement is pretty weak context to Russia is actively breaking a treaty.


Easy to say now and easy to decry the moral and environmental evils of nukes but in hindsight, the Ukraine should have said thank you very much and maintained at least some. As a deterrent they are unrivaled. I doubt Russia would be the big playground bully if there were an almighty big nuclear gun being pointed right back.

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I just donā€™t get why Putin would want to take a colossal step back to the cold war and the risk of bangs slightly smaller than the original one. Terrifying situation TBH, trying not to think about it. He says posting about it and reading about itā€¦ā€¦

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