Saudi Pro League and Sportswashing Projects

Camel Taxis.

In the land of cheap fuel…bet feeding camels costs more.

which so much money in the Saudi League,

does anyone know how they pay for ball boys in the Saudi League

and do they employ 40 odd year old men?

Why no Teslas? Aren’t there charging stations in Saudi?

Are those servants rented, or does he own them?

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It is Grotesque… So much poverty in the world - Having said that he might be doing some good with the monies behind the scenes… Hope so anyway

This is the true face of this Saudi regime. Let’s never forget it when faced with the billions and the glitz.


This is the regime effectively being endorsed by every footballer who joins the Saudi league.

This is why every single one of them has lost my respect.


im not making light of the situation at all…but what would be the reasoning behind ethiopians crossing Yemen to get into Saudi Arabia?

what am i missing?

Looking for work in the oil rich state. That’s what is being reported anyway.

so if they are employable with no paperwork, why are they being shot at, at the border?

I’ve no idea.

From the BBC article:
“Migrants contacted separately by the BBC have spoken of terrifying night-time crossings during which large groups of Ethiopians, including many women and children, came under fire as they attempted to cross the border in search of work in the oil-rich kingdom.”

Shooting migrants is the next logical step after letting them drown or sending them to Rwanda.

I’d like a journalist to stick a microphone under Hendo’s nose, and asking him what he thinks about that, and if he’s still comfortable taking the millions and endorsing this regime.


Considering what they do to journalists that stand up to that regime, I wouldn’t be holding my breath.


Entirely his choice of course but I’m not sure I could ever welcome him back to the club, as a visitor, ambassador, or whatever (if i were there of course). I believe the club shouldn’t have anything more to do with him.


Glad you posted that here, was just about to, but wasn’t sure if I should ‘let the politics out of football’… :face_vomiting: