Saudi Pro League and Sportswashing Projects

Letting them drown?

Yeah agree with this, and the same should apply to Gerrard btw, who has put himself in the same case.


Might just be the newspapers stirring shit… Apparently, Gerards club is one of the front-runners for Greenwood…! If there is any truth to this, I’m sure more will become known over the next week or so

“The club had been tracking Mason for a long time, but of course with talented young footballers there’s always a worry about their character and how they will adjust to living abroad. Once we learned about the allegations against the lad we knew that Saudi Arabia would be a perfect fit for him!”

I’ve seen this mentioned a couple of times over the pasr few days,Hopefully the European clubs tell Uefa not to allow this.

bit harsh that.

didnt you know Greenwoods been ‘cleared of charges’ and that the footage that made it online does not represent the full story.

meanwhile, SA club has decided not to pursue the transfer with the information and clarifications from the last few days coming to light that Mason is not the type of character they would like to see in their club


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If you say it enough it becomes true

Predictable development

I think this is a step too far even for UEFA. I will never underestimate the lengths those involved will go due to their greed, but I just don’t see how this works. Not from a FFP perspective and not from getting buy in from the ECA

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All the double standards in one video :joy:

Must be depressing even in that league to have Kante and Fabinho in a double-pivot central midfield.

Even for 2004 Greece that’s too defensive.


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I think this deserves its place in here:

“Repression in Saudi Arabia has reached a terrifying new stage when a court can hand down the death penalty for nothing more than peaceful tweets,” said Joey Shea, Saudi Arabia researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Saudi authorities have escalated their campaign against all dissent to mind-boggling levels and should reject this travesty of justice.”

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The drop in La Liga :see_no_evil:

Then again don’t Chelsea make most of that up in the PL.

It proves Madrid and Barcelona were the notable spenders.


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Chelsea should move to Saudi Arabia. They’d fit right in.

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Put them in a group with Maccabi Tal Aviv and see if they still want to join