Season Comparison - 2022/23 v 2023/24

Is that based on Cheaty playing 8 games, or based on the calander date?

This is important becasue both Cheaty and the scum had later starts than everyone else due to them both being a little bit precious and wanting extra holidays as they had to play later due to C/L and E/L semis/final being changed to accomodae the halting of the season for Covid


After 8 matches

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All on 8 games, which is why I am going to have to wait at some stage as there will be teams with less games played.

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How many points we are on track to get. (Yes/No?)

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This Season

Last Season



Our next match is a big one. Have to do better this season, no?

Our three draws this season really piss me off. We should have buried Brentford (Mo missed a sitter and our defence was shocking); Chelsea’s goal was either a worldie or a fluke; City’s equaliser was deflected.

Grrrrrrr. :rage:


I’m OK with the draws against Chelsea and City. The Brentford result is really annoying. We were so sloppy that day but I’m hoping it was early season rustiness. If seasons follow their usual pattern under JK then we should now start clicking through the gears.


The Chelsea result annoys me more than the Brentford draw. We shouldn’t have allowed them to leave with anything.


So its nice and early in the season to put the moz on us: Can we go through the season undefeated?

I would say our forwards are looking far better than they were 19/20 especially with an extra player for rotation. AFCON could cause problems, Chelsea look like they might mean it this season (still too early and I expect them to crash and burn as the season wears on), and our defence particularly VVD doesn’t look anywhere near as imposing as 19/20.

But we have got through a run of fixtures that has seen draws or big wins against opponents (they will be happier with the draws than us). I think its still on.

Lets make it more of a challenge: Undefeated in all comps? :woman_shrugging:


Home and away undefeated is a bit early probably a stretch, we will have an off day at some point. However if we are there with ten games to go then maybe.

Undefeated at Anfield is a very realistic target we should be aiming for.


Especially having already played Chelsea and City at home.


My update will arrive on Monday as 5th position in table is not guaranteed.

Are you hoping Everton will win by more than 3?
Would be funny and horrible at the same time, blue noses might start thinking they are as good as us. :rofl:


Every time I tempt fate I get a good spanking.

Some people pay good money for that. Apparently.

Unfortunately none comes my way🥺

This Season

Last Season

Limping along, 1 point on last year.

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Going to be a delay getting the next comparison sheet posted; my wife and I just moved into our new house this week!