I propose that anyone who ever says anything positive about Gary Neville, ever again on these forums should be banished to an eternal Hall of Shame.
The Hall of Neville Shame.
A place so bad that could be only properly described by the prose of our very own @Lowton_Red.
A place where rat faced demons eat your Liverpool heart for ever thinking that weasel faced bollox could be mentioned with any element of positivity on a Liverpool forum.
Past transgressors will be allowed a period of purgatory where they dress the puss filled wounds that they self inflicted by mentioning his name with a modicum of being ok.
Just my thoughts…
The one who should never be named… 
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Fair enough ZB… you call them topics but they are also known as threads. As we know, threads don’t always follow a straight line/path.
How far off that path some of the posts end up at, could actually mean there has been a bit of banter that relates to the preceding post, and has engaged quite a few forumites. I mean that is what the site is about is it not… camaraderie.
It is not always that simplistic to place a post in a different thread when you are replying to some content that has just been posted in the thread you read from…!!
I suppose the ultimate answer would be to not engage if it is going to upset the Mods eh… Pity we don’t have a rule book outlining the do’s and don’t specifics to what we should, and should not adhere to, and in particular, include things that upset ALL the Mods, not those that have rules just for themselves -
A bit of guidance would be helpful here…! Thanks in advance