Summer Transfer Window 2021


Just to add to previous posts, is it possible that Fiorentina have this kind of money to spend, in addition to signing that fella from Porto? Are they offloading someone, Vlahović perhaps?


That would mean they are selling Vlahović for €40-45m. :thinking:

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I don’t think for one minute we are signing him but I would love this bull.

EDIT: and mildly surprising Gonzalez chose Fiorentina as he stated he wanted to come to England. Money talks.

Fiorentina can’t possibly pay better then a PL club.

Lassina Traore from Ajax to Shakhtar for £9m.


In this case it looks like they did.

Mark Uth from Schalke to Koln on a free.

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how the mighty have fallen.


Anyone more clued up on what happened to him?

I don’t know there is much more to dissect. He was diagnosed with depression and spoke about just generally being fucked off by the game. It’s understandable, because football is not just a difficult place for people with depression, it’s a frankly absurd place (grown men getting worked up about people they’ve never met kicking a football).


I cannot imagine how difficult it would be to be constantly bombarded by ignorant, belligerent (and often racist) fuckwits trolling the shit out players for fun. Have zero tolerance for that shit and I can understand why any player wouldn’t want to subject themselves to it. It’s not banter, it’s ignorance of the highest order and it really makes my blood boil.

just talking about it gets me pissed off.


Well just don’t go on social media, that’s my advice to footballers. That’s where most of those type of people are. They’re not forced on to social media.

To be honest being famous is not all it’s cracked up to be is it. Look at every sector of sports and entertainment and people are going off the rails.

The amount of talk on mental health and depression has never been so high.

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easy to turn off social media. not easy to undo fans throwing coins and monkey chants.


Absolutely, but sticks and stones from one’s own point of view and obviously the people in charge need to be rooting that out of the game. Unfortunately it’s an attitude in society in general.

Really surprised that Leipzig didn’t bid, they do need a striker.

Any idea/rumor about the price tag?

Villa flop Bjorn Engels has left for Royal Antwerp on a permanent deal.

With a name like that, he should have picked a career as a guitar player in a Swedish metal band of any kind.


Or a communist philosopher


Maybe, that’s why he flopped. :wink:

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