The Anfield Noise - Users

My favourite part was the dinner parties with senior Labour figures.

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Actually, it could have been senior Tories.

In any case…twas drivel.


I loved mispelling Porsche…
Porche was my go to…
Drove him mad :angry:

And made me happy

Pete replied to one of my posts once, before I knew what he was about, so I started reading in good faith.

It started off weird and got surreal pretty fast.

By the third or fourth paragraph I was wondering which one of us was drunk.

I gave up not long thereafter…


You may thank me later, after you have watched the heartwarming video:

And for the true, true connoisseur:
Historical beautiful bridge building in a rarified and spectacular landscape only found in Hollywood movies and of course, Norway. And yes, the music is truly heartwarming:

I know, I know; I am giving you and others remarkable gifts here, but I found it in my heart to be kind to you all.
Enjoy !


Aww, that is such a lovely post😍. I agree. I fallen out with people on TAN and TIA and I am still here. I even got sent off to the TIA banned area.

I take a break when certain topics get too much, but I always come back.

I concur with @ISMF, this is the best and most tolerant LFC fan forum on the planet. We can all laugh, cry and moan together and even though LFC is the root of the tree that keeps us together, we also look out for each other in times of need, when we are feeling abit down.

So, if anyone is thinking of leaving, please take a break, reflect and come back when you are ready because there will be people who will really miss you, seriously, i mean it.


How is that even possible?


It’s true, I was banned for 4-5 days.
I called Priti Patel a :coconut:. Then, I got reported by you know who. I know, I shouldn’t have said it, but you live and you learn.

I am glad I went to TIA jail.


Seems quite mild.

I don’t know who would report that.

What was it like? Did you get your own cell? Were the warders cruel? What about the food? How many hours a day were you allowed to exercise?

Well, I am not 100% sure it was him, he was a good poster on certain topics, but then when it gets to the point when he starts a vendetta and targeting your normal posts for no reason all and ridiculing you, it gets abit tedious.

The TIA room was functional. I had a few visits from a few close TIA mates in DMs before I got banned.
I was mostly in solitary confinement. I was allowed out when the matches were on which was fair.The food was the bog standard, edible you get in these places.

I was lucky to have a mobile phone, so i had WhatsApp and i could find out what was going on. I never saw the Wardens tbh except for the beginning. They just gave me a the reason for my ban, as i did techinically break the TIA rules, so they had no choice for me to do some time.

Then, the next step was rehabilitation DMs from the Parole board, so I could be let out on to the TIA as a reformed character. Then, I publicly stated on the TIA that I was ‘profusely sorry’ for my crime and since then, I haven’t had a warning. However, I could falter in the next few weeks.


Excercise !? In my time at the holding pen,which we had to share with actually rotten pig corpses just because the wardens found it amusing; you would be lucky if they allowed you to get more than 30 seconds a day, outside a stress position ! We had to squat for weeks, tighs and legs burning and you would be lucky to ever see a sip of mudwater a week, far less stale bread.
But did we call the wardens cruel? No sir ! Angels we called them, knowing that we still had half a finger nail left on the left hand. Some right humanitarians they were, allowing us even some electric light once a month.

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I know. It’s a phase that I rather dislike but I can think of far fruitier language to call Priti Patel.


When I was a Lad we used to …

There is nuance. It is the sort of term that often has appallingly racist sentiment behind it when used by white people (the person being spoken about is identified, even if unconsciously, as “one of the good ones” with their positive traits being identified as part of whiteness). Its not surprising to find out that when non-white people use this sort of language it almost always is referencing a completely different ideas. Treating the different uses of the term differently requires nuance, although not to the degree that it’s difficult to navigate. Which is of course drastically lacking among the “why is there no white history month” crowd who objected to her use of the word.

I know @Maria had previously wanted to draw a line under this and so I’m only sticking my nose in as she has raised it again and so happy to make this my last comment on it if she is done with it.


You called them a coconut?

What am I missing here?

Ahh @PeachesEnRegalia , i should have used a swear word instead, but I am not that good at swearing as you.


I get that from my dad! The cunt…

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brown on the outside, white on the inside.

its a definite racial insult, im not sure Maria intended it so, but i also seem to remember she doubled down on it (Maria to confirm)…it was sorted in the end

I don’t believe it to be racial in nature at all. Just my opinion.

not that im invested in this, but…

its a (obviously not so well known) racial slur…but still a racial slur…its not an opinion thing, if enough people recognise it to be racially motivated, its probably best to not say it.

brown on the outside and white on the inside is a very common insult…it was discussed at the time

your point is ideal though, its the same thing Maria did, she didnt REALISE/BELIEVE it had racial conotations for some people…so whilst what she said had no racist intention, it crossed a line.

ive called plenty of people ‘peanut’ as an insult in my time…if i was made aware it offended someone racially for some reason, id stop using without any pushback…